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Elena's POV

I slowly open my eyes, only to have them closed again. The brightness fulfilling the room makes me squint. I look over to my right to see an arm draped over my stomach. I tilt my head and see Harry softly snoring, being lost in his own dreams. The sun is lightening up his features, his eyelashes lying peacefully on his cheeks.

I sigh as I remember the events from last week, the night when I gave my innocence to the boy I am in love with. We have been spending time together all the time, it was like we were magnified. It reached that point, that if I needed to use the bathroom, Harry would stay on the other side of the door, waiting for me to come out.

I've always been creeped out by the way people would stare at other, but staring at the person that's currently sleeping beside me doesn't sound so strange or creepy. It feels like I have the whole time in the world, like I absolutely do not care about how much I spend in this bed, laying beside him, if it's him who I'm lying with.

"You're staring at me again." Harry murmurs. He peeks one of his eyes open, his orb reflecting the light. He shuts it closed again. "Too bright." He groans and pulls the covers over his head.

I chuckle at his actions. "Wakey wakey baby." I nuzzle my head in his neck. I leave a quick kiss on his skin, a smile still on my face.

"Baby? I'm not a baby, Enna." Harry whines in a small voice.

I giggle at his childishness. "See, that's why you're a baby." His lips form a pout as I let out yet another giggle. "But you're my baby." I grin cheesily, with my eyebrows raised.

"I love you." He says in his raspy morning voice. He slowly leans in, but I swiftly put my palm over my mouth, making his lips come in touch with it.

"Morning breath." My voice comes out muffled. He lets out another whine, while muttering under his breath.

"See that's why I call you a baby. All you do is whine." I point out.

"I am a man, thank you very much." He says back. I burst out in laughter as he joins in, either because he's agreeing with me or because he just found it funny.

"A man? No, you're more like a lost puppy who thinks it's a wolf, but in reality it's just a puppy."

"I'm not a puppy, I'm a wolf."

"Keep telling yourself that." I nod at him. I get the covers off me and stand up, heading towards the bathroom. I can feel his eyes travelling all over my body from my almost completely exposed legs, to the thin fabric of the tank top I'm wearing, which isn't actually covering anything.

As I'm about to turn the handle of the bathroom's door, I feel his hands on my hips. His front is against my back, his mouth close to my ear.

"I am a wolf." He whispers.

His failed attempt of showing off that he's a man makes me erupt into a fit of laughter. "Oh my god, that was hilarious." I get into the bathroom and shake my head at his dumbness.

"I don't care what you say, I'm a wolf, not a puppy." I hear his voice from the bedroom.

"Okay." I roll my eyes as I do my morning routine.

"Did you just agree with me?" He asks, more like yells.

"I never said that." I chuckle. This seemed to happen ever since the night, we would make stupid conversations while getting ready. It became like a thing I guess, just talking about nothing and enjoying each other's presence.

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