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Elena's POV

I could feel myself getting teary at the scene happening in front of me. I was watching the last episode of "The Vampire Diaries" and it was the part where Damon and Elena were dancing for the last time.

Just the thought of knowing that you and the love of your life would be separated for a couple of decades made my spine shiver. I don't think I would be strong the way Elena is. It's kind of funny how we share the same name, but are so different.

The last scene rolled, and I was a sobbing mess. The moisture in my eyes smudged my make-up and I grabbed a few tissues from the box, tears still streaming down my face.

I was blowing my nose when I heard my phone ring. I grabbed it, noticing that it was Aleisha who was calling. I got excited, having not heard from her in a while. We did send a few texts here and there, but we haven't actually talked. I missed her.

"Helloooooooo" her loud voice in my ear made me jump.

"Calm down, hi." I let out a laugh.

"Aren't you excited to hear my voice?" I can literally imagine the pout on her face.

"Of course I am." I shake my head and chuckle. I wipe under my eyes, in case there's more smudged mascara making me look like a panda. "So, how's the holiday going?"

"It's amazing, Enn, Tyler is taking care of me, he really is a great guy." She says with a serious tone, and I couldn't be more happy for her.

"I'm so happy for you, Ashy. I'm glad you found a good guy." I voice my thoughts and in the meantime close my lap top.

"Thank you. But, enough about me, what's going on with you? Did you find anyone?" I don't respond for a few seconds, biting my lip, waiting for her to figure it out. She always does.

"Oh my god, you have found someone." She laughs and I nod, not noticing that she can't see me.

"Well, more like returned to someone" I mumble under my breath, but she lets outs a pitched scream, showing that she heard me.

"Spill. Now." A giggle escapes my lips at how excited she is about this.

"Well, we went on a few dates and a couple of days ago, he asked me to be his girlfriend and yea." I say it casually, but keep a smile on my face, remembering the great times I've spent with the curly-haired boy.

"What do you mean and yea? Tell me more." The way she sounds so eager for all the details, makes me break into uncontrollable giggles. After taking a few breaths, I calm down and am able to speak again.

"Well what do you want me to tell you?" I use my point finger to remove the water under my eyes caused by that much laughing.

"Wait, wait, wait. Just to make sure, are we talking about the H guy, tall, slim, curly hair?"

A knock on my bedroom door grabs my attention as I look up, only to see the H guy – as Aleisha says – on my doorstep.

"Yup, that's the one we're talking about." I tell her while looking at the boy in the eyes with a smirk evident on my face. He raises his eyebrows and one side of his lips turn up. I'm too busy looking at the pretty boy in front of me to keep up with my best friend's rambling. "Hey, I gotta go, I'll call you later, okay?"

I can hear her protests, but still end the phone call and get up. I smile at him and ask him what he's doing here.

"Can't I visit my girlfriend?" A small blush creeps its way on my cheeks as a cheeky, but sweet smile appears on his face.

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