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Part 6

Elena's POV

"Are these yours?"

I turn around and furrow my eyebrows. In front of me is standing a boy, he's quite tall. He has dark brown hair, slightly quaffed, with his eyes bright. This guy has black skinny jeans - of course - and a brown jacket with a flannel underneath it.

"What?" I question.

Little mysterious guy here lifts his hand holding keys between his thumb and point finger. I squint my eyes and recognize the object as mine.

"I asked you if these were yours." He lightly laughs. "I found them a few feet away and you are the only person on this street so...?" He trails off.

"Yeah, they actually are. I must've dropped them, I didn't realize."

He smiles at my response and walks towards me to give me back my keys.

I bite my lower lip in anxiety, because first he's cute, second my keys just happen to be found by him, third he actually gives me them back. Who the hell gives people's lost things back to them these days? The quote "Everything happens for a reason" pops into my mind. What if Harry was like a bus station and this guy was the destination. What if this guy is the one for me?

Okay, I don't even know his name and I'm thinking about him being my one and only. What the hell, get your mind straight. I need to stop watching cheesy chick flicks with a 'happily ever after' ending.

"Hey!" I hear laughter and snap out of my thoughts. "Thought I lost you there for a minute." he laughs.

"Sorry, I-" my cheeks turn bright red.

"It's okay." He chuckles and hands me the keys, the main reason for this weird encounter. "I believe this belongs to you."

"Thanks" I smile politely.

We hold eye contact for a second or two and I notice how his mouth opens then closes then does that for three times in a row again.

"Anyways, I gotta go, but-"

"Doyouwannagoonadatewithme?" he cuts me off.

"What?" I start laughing because he said that so fast I didn't get a thing what came out of his mouth.

"Do you, wanna, maybe , go on like a date with me?" he pauses after every word and it comes out like a stutter. His cheeks turn a light shade of red.

My eyebrows raise in surprise and I catch myself gulp loudly at his preposition.

If I say yes, then that means that I'm basically betraying myself because I told myself that I am not ready for a relationship. And it will turn out that I lied to Harry and I don't want that. But wait Harry almost kissed me, basically told me that he somewhat likes me and then ran off to some chick. Screw Harry. But am I really ready for this? It has been so long since I've been on a proper date. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.

"I don't even know your name." I blurt out without thinking.

"I'm Jack." he answers me in a split second.

I smile at him and feel my teeth sink in my bottom lip.

"Okay, then Jack," I put an emphasis on his name, "I'm Elena and I would love to go on a date with you."

That was the part of me that wants to "live a little" making an appearance. I just hope I'm not making a mistake. It's too late now anyways.

He grins wildly at my answer, his smile reaching his eyes. We exchange numbers and both leave with a smile on our faces.

Just after we turn around to go on separate ways, I turn around to catch one more glimpse of Jack. As I do, I see him looking at me too. I shake my head and carry on walking home.

Harry who? 

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