Kylo Ren

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"You'll have to make a decision; Sink or swim. Turn to light, or stay in the darkness... forever."

I felt cold. There was a thick darkness surrounding me, giving me a weird feeling. I turned around, suddenly seeing glimmer in the horizon far, far away. I started walking towards it, but my feet felt so heavy... I didn't know where I was, and I was cold, tired and scared.
"Help! Is anyone here?" I cried out. My legs gave in, but again, I didn't hit the ground but fell down right through where I had thought the ground was.
I let out an ear-splitting scream and tried to hold on to something to stop falling but my attempt failed. I closed my eyes when suddenly I felt like instead of falling downwards I was falling upwards.
"What in the world is happening to me?" I thought as I slightly opened my other eye to see if I was right. My other eye opened wide too as I noticed that the answer was very much 'yes'.
I was speecless when I suddenly saw a floor (or was it a roof?) coming towards me as I fell. I prepared myself to the worst and pressed my eyes shut again.

I didn't slam against the floor, but instead landed on it with a small 'thud'. I let out a relieved sigh and stood up, looking around. I was in an emtpy  room, with two doors. The other one was pitch black, and I could feel the darkness radiate of it clearly.
The other door was complete opposite; It was white, and I could see a bright light escaping its crack.
The dark door tempted me, and I subconsciously took a step towards it. But something, something in the white door attracted me. I felt like something familiar was behind it... I just didn't know what.

"Choose the dark door", a deep voice in my head said.
I took another step towards the black door.
"No! If you choose the darkness you'll loose everything that's good in you!" said a different voice. This one wasn't deep at all, it was high pitched and angelic, and had a panicky tone in it.
"You're already in the darkness... You've killed so many people Y/N, you aren't good enough to the light side anymore."
"It's never too late to return to the light!"
"The goodness in you is gone, so why to try to get something you can't have? The darkness is more powerful than the light..."
The angelic voice remained silent, so I assumed the deep voice was truthful in what he had said.

I took the last step towards the door that would lead me to the darkness and opened it, stepping in.


I opened my eyes. I was breathing heavily, and cold sweat slid down my forehead. I wiped it off and looked around me.
I was in an empty room with bright lights. It was cold, and I wrapped my arms around myself to keep my body warm. Despite the attempt, I started shaking after a while and felt my fingers and toes go numb.
I closed my eyes, hoping that someone would come help me soon.
I didn't know where I was, I was cold, and hell, I was scared. Just like in my dream(?). I felt myself slowly drifting into sleep, which wasn't a good thing because it meant my body was shutting down. I sighed weakly and gave in to the urge to close my eyes.

I don't know how long I was out, but I was woken up by the door opening and someone stepping into the room. A man with a cloak and a mask.
"What do you want?" I asked weakly, I was too exhausted to act strong and brave. I just wanted to get the hell out of this place.
"You're weaker than I thought", a really deep voice said with a disappointed tone, "I thought I needed to weaken you by bringing you to this room so there'd be no chance of you winning me and escaping, but I guess I was wrong..."
Rage started glimmering in my eyes as I slowly stood up and pulled out my lightsaber.
"I am not weak", I hissed through gritted teeth.
"Prove it", he spat and pulled out a saber too. I was surprised at first, I didn't know other people had Red Blades too, but attacked him after recovering from the surprisement. I swung my weapon and it hit his; I tried countless times to hit him, but every single time he blocked my attacks with his saber.
I tried my best to win him, but I was cold and tired, my movements were slow and sloppy, and I felt my strenght decreasing second by second.
My legs were heavy again and I tripped to my own feet. This gave the masked guy a chance to defeat me and he pointed his saber to my neck.
I sighed.
"Fine. You won. Congrats", I smiled at him sarcastically and I could swear that if he wasn't wearing a mask I'd see him smirk.
I closed my eyes, waiting for him to kill me since I lost, but instead, I heard him put his saber away.
I opened my eyes to see him press a button in the wall (why hadn't I noticed it before?) and warm air started flowing into the room. I but my saber away too and leaned myself against the wall; sliding down it to sit down. I started shaking as the warmth started returning to my body and I could slowly feel the numbness disappear, making the parts that were numb tingle.
I let out a shaky, but relieved, sigh. Did this mean I would to see tomorrow?

I sat there in silence for a while before asking:
"Why didn't you kill me?"
He turned his head towards me.
"Because I can sense the Force is strong in you, it'd be such a waste to kill you", he said with a monotonic voice, which was probably caused by his mask.
"The force is strong in me... Okay", I mumbled to myself. I could swear I had heard those words somewhere before, I just couldn't remember where.
One thousand and one questions started flowing through my mind.
What was the Force? Why did this man bring me to this spaceship, and more importanly, who was he? How could he just simply sense that this Force was strong in me? Was this person stronger than me? If no, great. If yes, could he be able to help me to become stronger?
"Oh, I see, you have a lot of questions, am I right?" he chuckled, which sounded really funny and creepy at the same time because of his voice.
Then I realised he had most likely read my mind since I hadn't said anything aloud and my head snapped up.
"How did you read my mind?" I asked excited, maybe he could teach me a trick or two.
He nodded before starting to answer my questions.
"The Force is a binding, metaphysical, and ubiquitous power. You can either learn to use only light side of it, which is stupid, or you can use both the light and the dark sides and become stronger than everyone else. When you use the both sides, you'll have the power to do things like mind reading", he explained me and I somewhat understood what the Force was now.
"Secondly, I can sense it is strong in you simply because it's strong in me. Am I stronger than you? I don't know. I could be since you haven't been trained apart from the training you've done yourself, which is pretty impressive if I say so myself", he praised me.
"Thanks", I mumbled.
"And who am I?" he said, and much to my surprise, took off his mask.
"I am Kylo Ren."
My eyes widened a bit when he told me his name. I mean, everyone knew who Kylo Ren was. I just didn't know what he looked like so I of course couldn't have recognised him.

I studied his face for a while. He had dark brown shoulder lenght hair, brown eyes and... I didn't know how to describe how he looked, his facial features were one-of-a-kind. I couldn't help but wonder why he hid his face behind a mask, he wasn't bad looking at all. I stared at him for a bit longer before I decided to introduce myself as well.
"I am Y/N L/N", I said simply to him and he chuckled.
"Trust me, I know. You've been catching my attention a lot lately with your powers", he mused, "You've killed a lot of people."
I was surprised.
"You know about me?"
"People talk, the word goes around", he said shrugging.
I was actually pretty flattered, and I couldn't help but smile a bit.
"Mind you if I ask something?" he suddenly questioned me. I nodded for him to go on.
"Why do you kill only men?"
I squeezed my hands into fists and my eyes turned glazed.
"Because I hate them; I promised myself to make them pay for what they did", I smirked evilly to him,
"And now that I realise, you are a man."
He smiled shortly and, as I had expected, asked what had men done to me that I hated them so much I'd go this far just to get a revenge.
"Well you see", I started, "Masked men took away my parents when I was eleven years old, and I never saw them again. I swore to my little 11-year-old self I'd get my revenge someday."
He looked a bit surprised before he returned his face pretty much emotionless again.
"That's... Wow", he said, trying to find the right words to describe how he felt about what I had just told him, "I didn't expect you'd have such a deep reason behind all that killing. Like, I kill people because I'm trying to take over the galaxy, but I do it also for fun."
He laughed, and I chuckled a bit too.

"So, you're trying to take over the galaxy?" I guestioned after a while, leaning my chin against my knees.
"Yeah, I'm kind of the leader of the First order or whatever", he shrugged.
I nodded. The First order sounded pretty great, to me at least.
"So what do say?" he asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Sorry, what did you say?" I said, looking at him.
"Will you join the First order with me? You'd be a great help, and I could teach you how to control the Force."
I smiled and stood up from the floor, completely warmed up now.

"Deal", I said shaking hands with him.

(A/N) This was kind of a filler chapter, kinda not.. It sucked anyways, sORRY xc

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