The Awakening

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I walked out in the gray light and stood and saw for a brief moment the absolute truth of the world. The cold relentless circling of the intestate earth. The crushing black vacuum of the universe. Borrowed time and borrowed world and borrowed eyes with which to sorrow it. And somewhere two hunted animals trembled like foxes in their cover...


I remember nothing of my past life. Whenever I strive to remember, I am cut dead by the void that fills me. The surge, the desperation you feel when you don't know anything about yourself, or your family, or your life... that's too much for anyone to bear!

I have been here for days now. I woke up in a dark concrete room and every agonizing second felt like an hour, as my mind pursued for the knowledge that it lacked. I kept telling myself that I was alone, that it will be alright. But I was not alone, there was something else out there! I felt it, deep inside me, a feeling so slim and faint, you could easily have missed it. But when you only have the darkness around you, it's easier to feel, hear, and even see it! The only response to any of your pleas is the reply of the silent dark...

I have gone mad... I know it, but how couldn't I? The thirst, the hunger, and the darkness for company, I find it hard to resist insanity. What could i have possibly done to deserve this cruelty? To deserve being locked in this room, surrounded by only darkness...


"Keep yourself together" I said, encouraging myself to stay sane, but it only comes out as a dim whisper. Gathering my strength, I stood up and walked around the room that I found myself in. My eyes have already adjusted to the dark, giving me the ability to see my surroundings clearer. For what seemed like the hundredth time, I moved towards the small, frail metal door in the center of the wall, hoping to find it open. Disappointed by the outcome, I lay my ear to the door, only to hear things I would never want to hear again.


At first, it was barely a whisper, but then, it grew louder. Until i could finally make out what it was. Footsteps! And many of them, as if a crowd of people was walking in all directions all at once. But that's the least of my concerns. The sound of them, the angry screams and the splitting moans pulled me out of my skin! Any longer and I won't be able to take it anymore. I tried to stay calm, I didn't know what's out there, and I didn't want to drag any attention. But all I knew is that this door is separating me, from whatever's out there.

To my horror the screams had not fled, had not subsided, only increased! I tried in an attempt to shout for help, for what else could I do? Being locked up, my actions are limited to a none.

"Help! Please anyone! Help!" I cried out.

To my dismay, the screams have stopped! And it was back to the tranquility of the ghastly dark. The very dreadful ghostly silence is enough to send chills down my back. And in a matter of seconds, an ear-splitting shrill emits  from the other side of the room. In an instant, the door is slammed from the other side, as if whatever's out there is desperate to get in. The mere thought makes me horror struck, and in seconds, more and more figures outside have joined the attempt to get in. The reverberation of tens of fists banging heavily on the door makes me reverse back in fear and trepidation. Without the slightest of warnings, the door gives in and one of the hinges breaks loose. It wont be long now, I know it, its just a matter of time before they get in...

Through the tiny gash in the door, I could finally see whats waiting for me on the other side. They looked nothing like people, but I'm sure they once were. Something, that nature could have never created. The first thing I noticed were their eyes! The crazy, diseased eyes staring right at me, and their decaying, milky skin. Their mouths open, revealing their yellow molded rocks clinging with dying force in the soft flesh at the the mouth's entrance. The very sight of that made my blood run cold, as I waited with baited breath for the beastly creatures to enter. It only took a while for them to break through the other hinges, and as the door fell like a mere sheet of paper, the figures stumbled and staggered towards me. I stood there, knowing that death isn't the worst thing, and being ripped apart by those creatures would be the worst, agonizing death anyone could ever suffer.

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