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April jerked back from her computer as the YouTube gamer let out a screech of all screeches.

"Gah!" she threw her earbuds to the ground and briskly walked into the kitchen.

"What just happened?" Hitomi asked, following close behind.

"Freakin Amnesia," she mumbled.

"What's Amnesia? I know it's what Donnie says I have, but I have a feeling this is a different kind of Amnesia."

"Huh? Oh, it's a horror game that one of the YouTubers I like played a long time ago. I just now started watching them. I told myself I'd get through all of it, but it's pretty scary. It really shouldn't be, but it is."

"I demand to see this video of frights," Hitomi declared, dramatically putting her hands on her hips. She hadn't been feeling too well this morning, so she got the day off from training with the guys. To make her day even better, April had stopped by a few hours earlier than usual, meaning that she wasn't having to mope around the lair by herself.

"Alright, but it's your sleep, not mine."

The guys walked back into the pit to find April and Hitomi clinging to each other, situated around April's laptop. Something flashed across the screen, and both of the girls let out a terrified yell and slammed the laptop shut.

"That was awful! Why would you let me watch that?!" Hitomi accused.

"What? You're the one who wanted to watch it!" They hadn't realized that the boys had finished their training and were watching the bout with mild amusement.

"You're the one who watched it in the first place."

"Well ya know what-?"

"What's going on?" Mikey asked, completely blowing their cover. Both girls whipped around.

"How much of that did you see?" April asked, slightly nervous.

"About from the point you two were screaming until now," Mikey said rather cheerfully. Hitomi face-palmed.

"Scarey video," she explained.

"What, the Big Bad Wolf is scared of a itty-bitty computer screen?" Raph mocked.

"You'd better watch yourself Raphie," Hitomi chidded. "April was scared of it too."

"Hey..." April's eyes widened in realization. Raph slowly started heading back to his room. "You get your shell back here mister!" April ran after him. Raph pulled out a Sai and turned to fight.

"Oh no you don't!" Donatello growled, pulling out his own weapon and going after Raph. Hitomi looked at Leo and Mikey.



A box of pizza (and two good sized-lumps on Donnie's head) later...

"So, what experiments do you have planned for today?" Hitomi asked, jumping up on the lab table.

"What?" Donnie asked, looking up from his work. "Oh, nothing today. I think Leo wanted to see you in the Dojo though."

"Huh. Okay. Good luck with your... stuff." Donnie gave a little salute-wave as Hitomi headed out the door. She slipped into the Dojo, finding that Leo was already there, sitting with his legs crossed under the tree.

"Don said you wanted to see me?"

"Yeah. You've been training with us, so I think it's time you try out some meditation. Maybe it will help you remember something from your past life."

The Ookami Among Us: A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now