"An Ookami?" Donnie asked, pushing away from his desk in the lab.
"Yeah," Leo responded from the doorway. Raph crossed his arms over his chest.
"What the shell is an Ookami?"
"All Sensei said was 'For now, all you need to know is that she could be highly dangerous', then he went into his room to meditate. I'm assuming he'll tell us more in time. So for now, when April comes back with her, just try to act normal."
"Define normal," Raph snorted. Leo chose to ignore his brother's prodding, and went back into the pit. April said that she'd be over with 'her' at around noon. It was 10 o'clock now, so they all had a few hours to waste. Raph came in a few minutes later, and started hitting on his training dummy. Donnie came out of the lab about an hour later, and the three met up with Mikey in the Dojo for training. Raph won again, but that didn't stop Mikey from demanding a rematch. All four boys were so focused on their training they barely noticed April calling from the living room. Donnie was out there in a flash, soon followed by Mikey. Raph shrugged and followed after them. Leo looked at Master Splinter's door, hoping that maybe he'd come out and tell him more about this strange girl. Not a single sound came from behind the door, and Leo gave up with a heavy sigh.
In the pit, April was sitting on the couch next to Donnie. The girl was standing awkwardly to the side, flicking her chocolate brown tail back and forth. She was wearing one of April's yellow jerseys, and pair of shorts, but she'd opted out of wearing the tights and undershirt. Instead of boots, like April, she had on a pair of beat up looking converse. Mikey sat down next to Donne, his eyes following the girl's tail. He still hadn't given up on wanting to touch it.
"Nice to see you again, Angel." Raph said, clapping a hand on her shoulder before sitting in his bean bag chair. Her eyes flashed red.
"That's not my name," she bit out. April looked over at her, noting her posture and red eyes. Raph opened his mouth to make another smart-ass remark, but April cut him off.
"Then we should give you one," April said. Mikey clapped his hands together. He slid his arm around the girl's shoulder.
"Your naming is in good hands," he said. "I'm a professional."
"Mikey," Donnie started. "I don't think that's a good idea..."
"Nonsense bro. I got this." He circled around her, lifting up one arm and then the other, making careful note of her claws. A low rumble started in her chest and her ears turned back slightly. Donnie recognized this as the warning signs of building anger in any canine species.
"Mikey, maybe we should just go ask Master Splinter," he suggested, moving to drag Mikey away. Mikey brushed him off and stood squarely in front of the girl. As he looked into her eyes, they filled with a mix of orange and baby blue.
"I got it!" Mikey said, snapping his fingers. "Freak-Eye."
"Excuse me?" she asked, fisting up her hands.
"Well," Mikey explained. "You're eyes are all like, swirling colors. And then something happens and it changes. Kina freaky." Her cheeks flushed a light pink and reached up to touch the skin under and around her eyes.
"They do?" she asked, slightly nervous. April crossed her arms and put on her best stubborn-face.
"We're not going to call her Freak-Eye, Mikey."
"But it's so perfect!" Mikey pleaded. Donnie shook his head.
"Mikey, I don't think..."
"No!" April said firmly. "She's not Bradford or Xever. She should have a say in what we call her." She turned to the girl. "Honestly, do you want to be called Freak-Eye?"

The Ookami Among Us: A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle FanFiction
FanficThe turtles go out on what seems to be the easiest 'mission' ever, and they get more than they bargained for when they find a mysterious girl being mutated by the Kraang. She is modeled after the Ookami, an ancient Japanese legend, and could be cons...