~ Chapter One ~

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Third Person POV~

Orihara Izaya felt the sharp blade enter his stomach. He dropped to his knees as blood pooled around him. As his red-brown eyes began to close, the last thought he had was, 'I messed up...Sorry, Shizuo...'

Shizuo's POV~ 

I was still sulking from Izaya's latest attempt at creating chaos in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. As soon as I saw him walking down the street, a lone raven trying to mix with the crowd, I was filled with my not-so-unusual rage. Before I could rip a signpost out of the ground to swing at him, a man crossed with him. Izaya's eyes went wide as the man spoke. Before I could reach them, the man was gone and Izaya was on the ground, unconscious and bleeding heavily from his stomach region.

I don't know what I was doing, or even why for that matter. But as I let instinct take over, I did something I never would have. I always thought that if I got the opportunity, I'd kill him. I mean, he ruined my life more than once, tried to kill me twice in the past year, and hurt so many people. Yet my first instinct was to pick him up and cradle him as I ran towards the local doctor of the underground, Kishitani Shinra.

As I reached Shinra's apartment, I knocked loudly. The second he answered the door, I shoved myself inside and ran over to the couch. As I set Izaya down gently, I yelled at Shinra to fix him. "What the hell happened?!" he exclaimed, sprinting around and grabbing the necessary equipment to stop the bleeding.

I could barely comprehend the situation myself. "I think he got a hit on him, because he was stabbed and left to die." I was talking quite fast and couldn't really calm down. I impatiently waited in the next room, my foot tapping rapidly. When Shinra finally retrieved me, I walked into the room he was in. I was still trying to convince myself that Izaya would live. Shinra pat my back softly. "He's stable and will be fine."

Once told this, I let go of the breath that I didn't know I had been holding. Izaya's skin was even paler than usual. The ravenette's hair was matted in places from the blood. I unconsciously brushed it away from his face. The ravenette's red-brown eyes, with their familiar mischievous spark, were closed. Shinra must have noticed how intensly I was watching him, because he gained a confused look on his face. "You know, with how much the two of you hate each other, I'm impressed you chose to save him."

I sighed and turned to him. "You know what? I'm not sure I really hated him in the first place." As an afterthought, I added, "I don't want him to know either." Shinra gave me a suspicious stare. Then he sighed deeply and agreed. "He won't stop trying to figure it out. We both know that. He hates being in debt."

"How much will this cost?" I responded. Shinra simply shook his head and waved me off. "I've known both of you since high school. You don't owe me a thing!" I nodded, slipped on my shades, and left without another word.

Izaya's POV~

I finally woke up about a week later. I looked around the room disorientedly, quickly recognizing it as Shinra's apartment. Shinra walked into the room with his usual overly-friendly grin. "Welcome back to the land of the living, Izaya!"

I rolled onto my side and carefully pushed myself up so I was sitting. I was really weak, and didn't want to collapse. "What the hell happened...?" I inquired, still shaking off the sleepy feeling my brain was holding onto so tightly. Shinra grinned even wider. "Someone saw you get stabbed and brought you here." he piped up cheerfully.

Celty, Shinra's roommate (and girlfriend), brought me out some food. I nodded my thanks and ate cautiously, not wanting to throw up. "How long was I out...?" I asked quietly. Celty pulled out her phone and typed 'It's been six days. We were really worried.' I nodded slowly. "So...who saved me?" The usual cold glint was beginning to return to my eyes. Shinra and Celty looked at each other before Celty answered, 'We can't tell you. Sorry, Izaya.' I turned to Shinra. "Why not?" I kept my voice calm, but I was rather agitated by this. Shinra smiled sheepishly, "He asked us not to."

I sighed in annoyance. 'Well, at least I know it was a man...' I thought. After a while, I was well enough to leave. Once I reached my penthouse apartment, where I both lived and worked, I turned on my laptop. 'Alright, my anonymous savior...let's find out who you are...' I smiled to myself grimly. This was going to be a long night.

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