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A/N: i know that chapter 16 is as upsetting as the fact that Miyun and Taehyung aren't screwing :(((

August 18, 2016

3:20 pm

Junho: hello~ ^-^

seen; 3:52 pm

3:54 pm

Miyun: Hey.

Junho: how u doin? :D

Miyun: Are you expecting the truth or a lie?

Junho: hmmmmMMMMM

Junho: tRUTH

3:57 pm

Miyun: Not fine, bro.

Junho: whywhywhyyyyyyy

3:59 pm

Miyun: Oh, nevermind that lol

Miyun: i started the problem anyway so why would i be sad?

Junho: ???

4:01 pm

Miyun: you know what junho, i want to be you aye

Miyun: bec you dont have problems about yourself like i do

Miyun: and problems about people around you

Miyun: i couldnt tell you im fine.. i couldnt tell you to worry either :c

4:03 pm

Junho: whats happening??

Miyun: it happened, junho

Miyun: not happening

Junho : :(

Junho: I want to be there with you to make you happy :C

Miyun: yeah...

Junho: yeah?

4:05 pm

Miyun: yeah.

Junho: does that mean we're meeting in person?! <丶`∀'>

Miyun: well yeah kinda

Miyun: but really, that emoticon really reminds me of Seventeen's Hoshi T___T

Miyun: are u sure youre not a creep?!

Miyun: a serial killer?? O______O

Miyun: anything bad?

Miyun: you live in seoul too right?

Miyun: HEY

seen; 4:07 pm

4:10 pm

Junho: Yes.

Miyun: sorry lol, but yeah that makes it easy.

Miyun: let's plan abt it tomorrow, im busy sorreh

4:13 pm

Junho: Okay.

Junho: Miyun... Do you still talk to Kim Taehyung?

4:15 pm

Miyun: no, I don't xC

Junho: why???

Miyun: when we meet up ill tell you

Junho: really?

Miyun: uh-huh.

4:18 pm

Junho: I don't know..

Miyun: ??

Junho: I don't know how I'll act in front of you T____T

Miyun: it's alright lol idk either D:

4:31 pm

Junho: Miyun...

4:33 pm

Junho: I like you.

seen; 4:34 pm

4:36 pm

Junho: Don't ignore me now.

4:38 pm

Miyun: :)

Miyun: hahaha.

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