Small cute yaoi

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Law x male reader

~reader-chan P.O.V~

I was with chopper.

I was helping him get meds and we where just talking when I run in to someone.

"Oh sorry sir" I say as I start to pick up the stuff the I dropped but I got hit in the head by something I yelp and grab my head.

"Hey what was that for!!!" Chopper yelled  at the man for hitting my head.

"D-Don't worry C-Chopper I'm-I'm fine" I say in a weak voice as I pick my stuff up and start back to the ship.

When we get back Luffy and Law standing on the dock (Law is staying with us for a bit) talking I try and sneak by them but Luffy spots me "CHOPPER (F/N) YOUR BACK" he said with a smile.

I look down to stop them form seeing the wound for the guy that hit me (it started to bleed and chopper wanted to stop but I said no) I try to walk by them but Law stopes me (did I forget to tell you I'm dating him) and tilts my head up I avoid eye contact and keep my eyes down.

"Your bleeding (F/N) what happen"

"N-Nothing Law I-I fell T-That's all" I say with a small smile and walk by him.

I put the stuff I got in town and go to my room and lock the door.

~TimeSkip tell dinner~

~Laws P•O•V~

When F/N left I was going to fallow but chopper stopes me "hey Law" he said before I could go "yea chopper-ya"

"When we where walking back some guy the (F/N) walked in to on accident and he hit him and left I wanted to stop him but (F/N) said to let it go so I did"

I stare in shock "what" I ask I look for (F/N) only to see his gone "what did he look like chopper-ya" "umm........

~TimeSkip to dindin~

~Laws P.O.V~

After I the shit out of the guy I went back and tried to talk to (F/N) but he didn't answer so I just went to eat sill vary worried for my boyfriend but I tyres not to think of it but it was hard not to have my cute little uke by my said.

After diner I went to my room only to find it locked "(F/N) can you open the door love please" I say I here the click of the door and walk in to see him on the bed facing the wall

I walk over and talk off my hat and hoodie "go have a shower love" I say softly he just got up and agent to the shower I got in to my pjs  and layer in bed waiting.

I must of fall asleep because I woke up to a weight on the bed to see (F/N) in my hoodie and a pare of boxers his hair was in his face "S-Sorry did I wake you" "no just come here"

He layer down with me and we just cuddled and I just ruded his back with my hand up the back of the hoodie.

"I love you law"

"Love you too (F/N) I'll stay by your said if you do mine"

"Always I promise"

I give him a kiss on the lips and snuggle my head in to his neck he slowly fell asleep I listen to his breathing and heart beat.

and fall asleep as well bit the last think I said was "I'm lucky to have you my little uke"

Sorry to not update bit I've bin busy and stuff so here's something to tied you all over next is a koga x male reader lemon so I'll work on that so have fun with this

Male characters x male reader (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now