Topic: Saddle horns
Rant: If you have to hang onto the horn while your riding, you aren't a good rider.
If you are racing around barrels and you have to hang onto the horn to keep your seat, then you arent a good rider.
People think I'm being a bitch because I have a thing against saddle horns, but I ride all disciplines. Barrels, Endurance, Jumping.
People say that English riders are arrogant, but I know quite a few Western riders who are arrogant. So don't diss all English riders.
90% of my training is for Endurance. Trotting, posting, two-points, cavaletti work, and flexible work. I'm not allowed to jump Buffy this year due to Tevis and her soft tissue damage that she accumulates while jumping. Oh well, I don't like jumping much anyway.
Back on topic, Hanging onto the saddle horn is a sure indicator that you don't have a good seat. So, work on that seat people!
Ranting F'real
RandomRandom Rants that all irrevocably hilarious. (I tried big words!!! )