Rant #5

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Topic: Non-equestrians

Rant: "The horse does all the work." "You just sit there!" "Horseback riding isn't a sport." "You don't do anything physical, therefore its not a sport."

Gee, thanks for making us feel good. If golf is considered a sport than why isn't horseback riding? You literally have to have your medical information strapped to your arm for Cross Country.  I don't take this crap from anyone. The horses do most of the work, but who controls that? The riders do. Duh.

Don't tell me that I just sit there, it's more difficult than you think. Try posting for 100 miles, try jumping 6ft, try galloping at breakneck speeds with  other riders trying to beat you. Better yet, just try controlling the 1200 pound animal. It's hard isn't it? 

We are badass, we sit on wild animals who could kill you if they wanted to. So, equestrians, embrace your badassness!

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