Chapter 5: The Kyuubi Unleashed

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"Why I did this? You could say I did it on a whim, or that I planned it, or that I seek war...or maybe I seek peace..." - Uchiha Obito to Namikaze Minato

The cries of the baby echoed through out the room.

"Hot water!" Biwako cried urgently.

So it was not too late. I was right on time. The seal was yet to be strengthened. If only I could capture the Jinchuuriki in her weakened state and escape through Kamui. But, there was a high probability that Minato had placed one of his special shuishin markers on her, then it would pose a problem

I needed a distraction. Something that would draw Minto's attention from the Jinnchuriki, even if it is for a little while.

I could kill the Sandaime's wife and the nurse and teleport behind Kushina and snatch her while Minato is distracted. Or better yet, I could take one of them hostage and kill the other...

Speaking of taking a Hostage...

My ears perked up at the softening cries of the newborn.

"There, there!" The Sandaime's wife said fondly to the now calm baby in an orange bundle as she walked towards the door accompanied by the smiling nurse.

I waited till they reached the doorway and leapt towards them, slashing my Kunai at them in a wide arc. Holstering my Kunai, I forcefully grabbed the baby from Biwako and stepped a few feet back just as they screamed in pain and fell on the ground, dead.

Startled by these new disturbances, the infant started to cry again loudly in my arms.

Over by the sealing platform where Uzumaki Kushina lay, Minato whirled his head towards me, just in time to see me hold my hand threateningly over the shrieking baby, poised to strike.

"Biwako-Sama! Taji!"

"Yondaime Hokage Minato..." I said, adding a hint of murder to my tone. "Step away from the Jinchuuriki..."

Kushina gasped as she arched her head sideway's catching sight of me holding her precious son.

"...otherwise, your son will die at a ripe old age of one minute."

Minato narrowed his eyes as he studied me, making his pose ready to slip into a fighting stance.

Heh...already analyzing the situation, sensei?

Kushina let out a strained yell gritting her teeth as the loosened seal lines of the weakened seal travelled up over the neck to her cheek. The spiral seal over her belly bulged upwards like an oversized bubble.

The seal was weakening!

"Kushina!" Minato turned to her, alarmed.

With the prospect of his baby taken hostage and his wife in considerable amount of pain, I could see that this situation was turning out to be too stressful for my sensei. Narrowing my eyes, I let the kunai I used earlier, slip from the sleeve of my cloak and held it an inch away from the wailing baby's throat.

"I told you to step away from the Jinchuuriki." I snarled. "Don't you care about your brat?"

Minato finally seemed to have lost his cool as he held out his hand. "Stop! Just...calm down!"

"I am perfectly calm, Minato..." I said coolly. "It is you who should be..." With that I threw the bundle with the baby upwards and leapt up with the kunai pointing straight up at it.

"NARUTO!" Kushina shrieked in terror.

There was a shift in air as Minato appeared over me snatching Naruto in mid-air and landing in a crouch on the wall behind me.

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