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The longer you live the more you realize that reality is made up of suffering and emptiness....

...where there there is light, there will be a shadow...

...where there are winners, there will also be losers...

...there is no way of escaping this cycle of cause and effect... least- not until now.

The dream world is the world of light! It consists of only winners! A world with only peace! A world with love!

That is the world I will create.

I stepped into the underground cave, looking determinedly at the old Uchiha seated in front of the huge statue.

"I will put an end to all this." I said as my good eye narrowed behind the mask. The mask portion of the spiral Zetsu who acted as my shell, unraveled slowly revealing my scarred and bloody face."That is why I have returned."

Uchiha Madara remained quiet for a while. His sharingan seemed to pierce into my thoughts as he gazed intently at me.

"Fu..." He scoffed at last. "You were not seen by any body, were you?"

"I was the only one who saw them." Zetsu provided , his only hand on his hip as he grinned eerily at me making his half-formed face even more lopsided. "Obito decapitated all the enemies. So it was not a problem. Kakashi was left alive...but he didn't see a thing. When konoha's reinforcements arrived he was asking 'who defeated the enemy?'"

Madara asked, his voice hoarse. "You showed him mercy because he was a former comrade?"

My lips curved into a light smile and I replied."No, it was fine either way, whether he lives or dies in this world..."

Madara narrowed his eye.

"Because he will exist in the other world, the one that we will create..." I said, my eye wide, filled with conviction. "...along with Rin!"

Madara remained silent.

"Teach me how to create the Dream world." I said. "Madara..."

A smile formed on Madara's wrinkled face. "It appears that I will not need your gratitude after all." He said, a strange glint in his sharingan eye."Come here."

My black cloak swished as I stepped towards him. I walked forward with new-found pride and Madara's next words reflected my thoughts.

"From here on forth, you shall be this world's savior."


Two years later.

The three ame shinobi had taken shelter from the rain away from the path. They wore chin high black cloaks with a purple sash around their waists.

I, with the newly modified Zetsu by my side stood still in the pouring rain, staring at them. The Spiral Zetsu, still acting as my cocoon, who now called himself Tobi said to me. "Do you see him? The man with red hair?"

I looked at the trio spotting the one with the red hair who stood in between. His hair was long and straight, and hung loosely covering half of his face and his right eye. I tilted my head sideways slightly as I caught sight of his uncovered eye. The eye was purple, with a ripple like pattern. "That's Madara's Rinnegan, huh?

"Those are Madara's real eyes." Tobi continued. "He appears to have given them when he was still a child, in a way he wouldn't notice..."

"Nagato is of the Senju bloodline." Zetsu said, his soft voice barely audible over the rain. "The only one other than Madara who can use the Gedo Mazo is him."

I narrowed my sharingan as Madara's actions started to make sense. I recalled the words of Madara, when he was mentoring me.

~"After obtaining Senju Hasirama's cells...transplanting in my own wounds did nothing at first."Madara had said. "But when I was on the verge of death, I finally activated the Rinnegan."~

I started to walk towards the trio followed by Zetsu who now had a black half to the right- the will of Madara. As we neared the shinobi, Tobi started to recite the plan.

"First we get Nagato on our side..."

"...gather the scattered tailed beasts..." white Zetsu continued.

And the black half concluded."...and with Nagato's Rinne Tensei, revive Madara."

Madara Uchiha had died six months ago. I had spent the year before in his mentor-ship, not including the five months I spent recovering in his care. He had taught me many things. Things that could help me with the plan.

~"Obito, I shall teach you the forbidden Uchiha jutsu, the jutsu of the six paths and also the inyoton jutsu..."~

When he finally felt that I was ready to execute the plan, Madara had snapped way the thick tubes that connected him to the Mazo, cutting off the chakra that had kept him alive all these years. I watched him stumble towards the stone platform, as he painfully took his seat, whist clutching his chest letting out sharp wheezes and gasps.

I almost reached the black cloaked shinobi. I noted with a slight surprise that they were younger than me. On either side of Nagato was an indigo haired girl and an orange head who had the eyes of the same colour. They noticed us with a start and narrowed their eyes, suspicious. I could see their body stiffen, ready to slip into a fighting stance.

And finally the red-head spoke, his visible Rinnegan narrowed. "Who are you?"

I smirked behind my mask as I reached out and pulled away the hood of my cloak. I let my sharingan blaze behind my mask and answered...

~"Now move!" Madara wheezed. "From here on...until my are..."~

..."Madara Uchiha."

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