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buckybarnesss: new picture!

buckybarnesss: when bae goes undercover and looks hella fine

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buckybarnesss: when bae goes undercover and looks hella fine

cap: :)

falconrox: what is this

falconrox: whAT IshGgouN ong

natooshie: has the ship sailed

cap: i still don't understand these terms perfectly but i think the answer is yes

falconrox: WOOOOOOO

falconrox: my otp shall rise

falconrox: the mother of otps

falconrox: more like the father

falconrox: THE DADDY OF OTPS

natooshie: pls let me live

buckybarnesss: lmaooo

cap: sam you are such a treasure

buckybarnesss: uM ??

cap: but you're like

cap: the loml ??

cap: (is that correct ??)

natooshie: damn steve you got these abbreviations under control

falconrox: otp strong af

buckybarnesss: okok you two better concentrate on work !!!

buckybarnesss: me and sam are gonna watch disney movies

cap: witHOUT ME

natooshie: wiTHOUT ME

falconrox: soz man

buckybarnesss: whoops sorry

buckybarnesss: have fun steeb

cap: we will

cap: bye sugar

buckybarnesss: bye honey

cap: iced

buckybarnesss: tea

natooshie: wtf

falconrox: my fucking otp

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