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I found something today. I was looking through all the old photo albums and found a stack of photos from my junior year of high school that I hid behind the door of the album and the picture in the front. There where seven photos but the first one made my heart stop and my breathing hitch.

You were smiling, brown eyes shining and hair in the crazy style you always wore it. It was the day you had told me you loved me. It was night time and we were walking around the small streets of downtown. The December night was unforgivingly cold but the Christmas lights that decorated the buildings and trees made it worth it.

I miss your smile.

Your parents stopped by the other day. It scared me and excited me because I was hoping maybe, just maybe, you would step out of the car with them. But my heart broke all over again when you didn't.

They told me how you visited them the day before you left. You told them that you were leaving for a while and didn't know if you were coming back. They asked me if you had said where you were going. All I could do was shake my head no and cry. I was angry, hot swells of tears streaming down my face, how could you leave everything so easily? Why? You must have known what it would do to me, so why? I miss you more and more as the seconds tick by.

They miss you too. Even your dad, the man who barely shows any emotions, started crying.

And it doesn't feel like you left, it feels like you died.

Yours truly,


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