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It's been three days since I wrote that letter, I can't send it because I can't find you. You don't want to be found. It hurts.

It doesn't just hurt, it burns.

Do you remember how we met? I do. It was Freshman year for me, you were a sophomore and had a girlfriend at the time. You sat two seats in front of me every time I rode the bus. I remember how I caught you looking back at me once and I smiled. The next day when you got on your head was down and one earbud was in your right ear. You passed the seat you always sat in and sat next to me.

I remember it so clearly.

My hands wouldn't stop shaking when you handed me an earbud and said two simple words that starting something neither of us would be able to forget, "I'm Greyson."

"I'm Calle." It was whispered and I released a breath after those two words, a shaky one. I took the earbud from your hand - your hand was warm and soft - and put it in my ear then looked out the window.

We listened to Robbers from the 1975 first and ever since then that song runs through my head. It's another memory that runs through my mind and no matter how hard I try, I can't forget it. Can you?

After that, you sat next to me each day and handed me your left earbud. The second time you talked to me you told about how you had moved from Seattle three years ago. You loved it here but you missed the city. You missed the loud cars rushing by and the groups of people rushing down the streets constantly. The big malls that never closed. You told me that your favorite part of living in Seattle was at night when the lights glowed but when you looked up you could see every star, if you knew where to go, which of course you did. You told me about how you spent countless nights out in the outskirts of the city looking up at the sky. And as your lips moved and your voice traveled through the air, your eyes never left mine.

That day I was scared when I walked into class. I was terrified that I would never see you again. It all felt too much like a dream that I never wanted to wake up from. But the next day you sat next to me, handed me the left earbud and took my hand in yours. It was quiet other than the music playing but it was peaceful, it was the safest place I had ever felt in a long time.

And now it's all gone.

Yours truly,


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