The whole place was dressed to the nines

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Ed and Taylor were on the plane via the States, they had agreed to spent a week on Taylor's house before heading to the Sundance festival. Ed was really nervous, he had met Andrea back in the UK and probably met Scott , Taylor's dad, back when they lived on his hometown, but now it was different, he was her boyfriend and that made him automatically not likable for any dad. Their destination was Nashville, the place in which Taylor spent part of her teenage years. They arrived at the airport and took their luggage out, Ed was trying to get a place to find a cab to take them to Taylor's house when a well dressed man approached them, to his big surprise Taylor knew him " hey Martin! Didn't know that dad sent you" the man quickly kissed Taylor's cheek " hello miss Swift. Glad to have you home again. Mr Swift told me you had a friend with you" Taylor quickly looked around her, finding Ed with a confused look " yeah, this is my boyfriend Ed Sheeran, Ed, this is my second father and my dad's left hand Martin" he didn't know what had him more confused, if it was the fact that Taylor had a driver or the fact that she never mentioned it, in between that it was the fact that he was meeting Taylor's second father, whom was looking at him with a really serious face. Ed shook the hand of the old man " nice to meet you Martin" the old man gave him a little and quick smile while shaking Ed's hand " my pleasure mr Sheeran".

They made their way into a really fancy neighborhood in Ed's opinion, he was really silent and so was Taylor who kept giving him glances. His mind was full of questions that had to be answered by Taylor privately. Martin parked in front of a big beautiful house " welcome home miss Swift, I hope you have a nice week mr Sheeran" Taylor opened the door " Martin, please call me Taylor, aren't you going in?" The man took their suitcases out and carried them into the house " no, Taylor. I have to pick your dad from work in an hour". Ed followed her inside the house, it was really beautiful, big but at the same time really warm, most walls painted white just like Taylor's apartment back in the UK, the difference was that here the furniture was homie not extravagant like the one Taylor's apartment in England. Ed saw Andrea coming down the stairs to greet them, Ed quickly whispered into Taylor's ear " we have a lot to talk about" the middle aged woman hugged her son in law first " Ed! So good to see you again sweetie, how was the flight?" Taylor looked at them with mock sadness, pouting " I swear she loves you more than she loves me, you is the only things she asks about over the phone" Ed laughed at Taylor's face " what can I say? I'm really lovable" Andrea smiled " hey honey it's nice to see you too " she kissed her daughters cheek " hi mommy" Taylor hugged her.

Andrea showed Ed around before signaling the room in which they would sleep in " this is Tay's old room, still pink and everything. Make yourselves comfortables" Andrea left the room and now was time to talk " love, when were you planning on telling me you were freaking rich?" Taylor looked down, this was a conversation she was avoiding " I'm not rich, my parents are. This is not something you bring up in the middle of a conversation, this doesn't change anything, I'm still me, my mom still loves you more than she loves me and I'm sure my dad will like you too" Ed sighed and hugged her " no more surprises?" Taylor laughed, there was one more " there is someone I need you to meet, please stay open minded" as if just in time two little feet were heard and a three year old version of Taylor came into the room " Mommy!!" Taylor got on her knees to hug her daughter, tears streaming down her face, she had missed her so much " hello princess, god you are so big now" Taylor picked up the little girl showering with kisses, forgetting about Ed for a moment, she sat by the window " who is turning four tomorrow?" The little girl raised her hand " me!" Taylor laughed and kissed the head of the girl again " hey I bought you a big present and have some great news too. How are you behaving around grandma?" In perfect time Andrea showed up at Taylor's door " she has been great, haven't you Annie?" The girl with curly brown hair nodded, Taylor got up from the seat by the window and said to her mom " I got some great news for both of us, I will tell you later. Could you take Annie out for a bit, I think I need to give someone a pretty big explanation" Andrea picked her granddaughter and left the room.

Ed had seen everything like in slow motion, just when he asked about another secret, a mini version of Taylor but with brown hair bursted into the room screaming mommy to Taylor. He watch as the 23 year old woman got on her knees and hugged the little girl like her life depended on it, he saw the motherly glow on Taylor's face, the sadness on her eyes as she saw how much the girl grew in the time she was away, he found out and now understood why they came first to Nashville, the girl, Taylor's daughter was turning four the next day, he now remembered a photo of a baby and a much younger looking Taylor, he never asked about it, he assumed that it was a cousin or something, never in his mind the thought of Taylor having a daughter. Taylor approached Ed who was now seating by the bed, with an absent look on his face, she didn't blame him, it was quiet a surprise, but she wanted to be sure that this relationship was stable enough before saying anything, it had not been easy, four months of friendship, two months officially dating, it had been hard but she just wanted to be sure " so you have a daughter?" His voice was sad more than angry " yes" that was the only thing Taylor said, she was giving him the chance to ask all the questions needed " why did you wait so much, love?" His tone was one of someone who is hurting.

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