Chapter 01

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    Do you ever wish you had a second chance to meet someone again for the first time?


  It was quite a lovely morning.

  Beacon Hills hasn't heard even the word 'lovely' in a long time.

  It wasn't the morning sun that woke all of Beacon Hills up, it was that there was actually sun.

  Yeah, sun.

  The sun is such a beautiful thing. The 'little'  big star can make such an impact on a person's day. Even just a little light can do a lot. Now, it's time to see what this star can do to these two lovers. . .

7:05 A.M

  Lydia is a morning person.

  She loves waking up knowing it is going to be another day, not a good one, but another one.

  Lydia was awaken by the morning light shining upon her face. Soon following the light, she got up, flattened her lavender sheets, ruffling them and fixing them around, then twirling like a ballerina into the rainbow-

  Yeah, none of this is true. She's not a morning person, if anything, she can sleep at six in the afternoon and wake up at like three in the afternoon, the next day. Basically, Lydia's morning consisted her having her slumber being interrupted by the numerous amount of phone calls and face times from her best friend, Allison, and hard knocks on her door from her mother. To sum it all up, she went to school wearing sweats and her famous white shirt (which surprisingly, has no stains.)

8:10 A.M

  "Where in the world have you been! And why haven't you answered any of my calls? As a matter of fact, why have you been avoiding me? You know not talking for at least five hours is a long time for me-Don't even get me started on what you're wearing-What the holy hell are you freaking wearing Lydia Martin?" The tall, brunette was out of breath by the time she finished speaking.

  "Wow, thanks Allison for noticing that I actually came to school today," the strawberry blond sarcastically said, then rolling her eyes as the two of them headed to the front steps of Beacon Hills High School.

  "You know I have archery, and then I have dancing, then I have you," she paused for a second and whispered. "...and then I have Scott."

  "Scott? What? You mean nerdy Scott, you mean the boy whose had like a crush on you since third grade, you mean the Scott who literally stalks you twenty-four seven, you mean the Scott who sits on the bench at every lacrosse game? That Scott? Him? Ha."

  "Yes, and we are actually dating thank you, and he has a friend that maybe you'll like, I mean, he's not cute." Lydia frowned. "In fact, he's hot," Allison said as they went to their lockers (which they paid people to switch with in order to have them next to each other.)

  Lydia was quite amused by Allison and Scott being a thing. Yes, a thing. An item. A canon (though Lydia kind of only lowkey shipped the two together. It's not like she wrote fanfiction about them or wrote their names in her notebook.)

  "Good morning idiots, welcome to a new year of Kira answering our questions and Allison and Lydia giggling at literally everything I do," Coach Finnstock announced loudly probably China could hear.

  "Oh yeah, class, I will be pairing you guys with other people this semester," he said serious. "And Allison and Lydia, I'll make sure not to pair you guys together," he finished saying emphasizing the 'n' in not.

  "Okay let's get started..."

  "McCall. . . Argent. "

  "Martin. . .-What the! How do you even read this? Okay, Lydia you go with S-"

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