Chapter One

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"Matthew! Come and get me now! You are not funny.." Danni is yelling into her cellphone. Making a huge scene. People are turning to look at her with the "That girl is crazy" look. She looks around and is embarrassed. Her and her husband of seven years, Matt, have had yet another argument while grocery shopping. Matt stormed out and left Danni at the store for "acting like a crazy person" over what kind of formula they should get their new born daughter. Danni has long brown hair that is pulled into a tight pony tail, is roughly 160 in weight, 5'5 in height, and has hazel eyes. 

"I think I'm hilarious." Matt says proudly into the phone.

"Oh..... I bet you do!" Danni scowls. They continue to quarrel at each other for the next fifteen minutes. By this time Danni has made it through check out and is now standing outside. This isn't the first fight like this. They have been fighting on and off for the past six months. Within ten minutes a 2008 black Honda Civic Si pulls up. A man, who has blue eyes, very short brown hair, roughly weighing 185 and 6'0 tall, steps out of the car smiling proudly, Danni rolls her eyes and scuffs at her overly happy husband who is at the back of the car helping load groceries.  

"You got to admit, that was kinda funny." Matt says once they are in the car. Danni gives him a look that one give as they are throwing daggers at the one at the end of their gaze.

"It was so......NOT funny Matthew! I can't believe you embarrassed me like that, and another thing is I cannot believe you left me there!" Danni snaps. 

"Like I could actually lose you. You're like a dog, you know your way home. You would've gotten there eventually. I just wish somebody else would of found you and kept you..." Matt replies sarcastically.

"Oh really? Is that how you feel? You probably would wish I would get hit if I were a dog." Danni scowls. Matt busts out laughing. Danni looks shocked cause she knows the reason her husband is laughing.

"Seriously? If that's how you feel why don't I just leave."

"Oh....... first of all you said it not me. Second of all I was playing. You take everything so serious anymore. Thirdly, would you if you're gonna be like this?" 

"You are twenty five years old Matthew, it is time you grew up. We have two kids for Christ's sake. Do you honestly want Wyatt to grow up to be like you?" 

"'Grow up to be like you?' Am I really that bad of a person that you'd be ashamed of if our son turns out to be like me? I work hard to provide for you and the kids. I put up with all of your stupid drama. 'Do I get chopped bananas or mashed bananas? Do I get whole formula or 2% formula? Matthew!!! Help me! I'm making life decisions here!!!' Do you really think its gonna make a difference? Bailey isn't even gonna know. Or is she going to grow up and be like 'Thanks mom and dad for giving me 2% formula as an infant, I'll grow up to be stupid and fail at life because you didn't give me whole formula.' Do you think Wyatt is going to care if we give him mashed bananas or chopped? It doesn't matter! As far as Wyatt goes it doesn't matter its all going to the same place. As far as Bailey goes if she eats it and can keep it down and doesn't scream because it has upset her stomach then that's what we get her!! Danni, honey, I know you want what's best for the kids but there is no right way to do this. All we can do is try our best and make sure the kids stay alive. If we can manage to do that, then I consider that a win." 

"If our kids stay alive you'll consider that a win? Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?"

"You're missing the point Danni. You str.. you know what never mind. Let's just get the kids and go home." Matt says defeated. They get out of the car and walk into Danni's parent's house.

"Danielle, Matthew, hello. How was shopping?" Danni's mother, Rebecca asks. She takes one look at them and can feel and see the tension between the two.

"Fine." They lie. Rebecca sighs.

"Hm, right. Come into the den there is something we'd like to talk to you about. I made cookies with the kids, who are sleeping right now." She explains. Danni and Matt look at each other like something is suspicious. They follow her into the den where not only is Danni's dad, Derek, waiting there but both of Matt's parents, Cindy and John, as well. They all sit in a circle.

"What's going on? Is everything ok?" Matt breaks the silence in the room.

"We were hoping you could give us the answers to those. It has not gone unnoticed that you two are constantly fighting. Not only has it taken a toll on both of you but the kids as well. It's not healthy and not right to put the kids through it." Cindy replies. Matt and Danni look at each other in confusion.

"Mom, Dad is this seriously a intervention about Matthew and mine's marriage? Because we are fine." Danni defends

"Sweetheart we are just very concerned. We know Matt prefers 'Matt' and I can't remember the last time you called him that. It's always 'Matthew'. It's so formal and impersonal, it's like you are keeping him at arms length." Derek replies. Matt gives a look like 'he isn't wrong' and Danni just scoffs at him.

"Is that seriously how you feel Matthew? Is that what this is, just pick on me? It takes two to be in a marriage and it feels like I'm the only one in it.."

"Danni that is what they are talking about..." Matt starts

"Now Matt, you're not innocent in this, Danni is right about it takes two people to be in a marriage. You can be immature at inappropriate times. We are worried about you both. You are in an unhealthy spot in your marriage. Hence why we, the four of us, have arranged for the two of you to go on a couples cruise. It's for a week and a half Caribbean and between us and Danni's parents we'll take care of Bailey and Wyatt. You have to figure somethings out. Normally we are against divorce but both of you two are very unhappy and we are hoping that sometime to focus on just the two of you will help you find yourselves again. If not we support your decision. But if the only reason you are staying married is because of the kids, it will destroy them. They'll grow up learning the wrong way to love. None of us want that. Let us help you." Cindy explains

"We've already bought the tickets for the cruise and airfare. You can't deny there are things that you two need to talk about. That you need to clear the air. Only you two can do that.  You just got to listen to each other." John says

"And we're just suppose to take this? We don't get a say in the matter? We are fine just as we are...." Danni defends

"Danielle, honey, you are seriously denying our situation if you think everything is fine. Everything is not fine! We need help. Do you seriously want this for Wyatt or Bailey or whats worse the both of them. We are in a dark place, our parents aren't wrong. Stop being so defensive about everything." Matt bursts out.  

"I can't believe you! You don't understand anything! We are fine!"

"Do you even listen to yourself?! You're acting like a crazy person!"

"Enough, both of you! You'll wake the kids. Danielle you are going on this trip. You leave in two days." John scowls both of them. Bailey starts to cry. Matt brings his hand to his head. As Danni storms out to go get their crying daughter.

"Matt, we can take Wyatt and Bailey earlier than two days if YOU and Danni need it." Rebecca states.

"That would be great. Thank you Rebecca. I need to go home, and get the couch ready."

"Ready for what?"

 "Cause that's where I'll be sleeping for who knows how long. I greatly appreciate, what you guys are doing for us. I'm sure Danni does too. I'll be back in a little while with the kid's things and to get my wife. I just need some space right now."

"Perfectly understandable. Take your time Matt."  

Matt gets up shakes John's and Derek's hand, hugs and kisses Cindy and Rebecca on the cheek and leaves without a word to Danni. 

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