Chapter Six

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The ship sustained a fatal blow to the right side. There was an undetected rise in the reef but by the time it was noticed it was to late. It was complete and utter chaos on the top deck. The ship was bound to sink with in the hour. Help was an hour and a half away. Things being thrown, husbands/boyfriends searching frantically for their wives/girlfriends. People jumping over board in an attempt to save themselves. One group of people were huddled together praying. Matt held Danni's hand tightly dodging people running around frantically one accidentally pushing Danni over the edge of the railing almost taking Matt down with her. Matt grabs her hand with both hands and she grabs on to his wrist as Matt is trying to pull her up the ship slides down. Making everything slide more one of the life boats lurches forward hitting Matt in the head hard causing him to lose consciousness Danni holds on tighter as people grab hold of Matt before he goes over and pulls them both up.

"Oh my god! Matt wake up! Please wake up!" Danni says grabbing him and shaking him by his life vest.  He just laid there. She put her face on his chest and cried.

"Don't leave me alone, please wake up! Somebody help me!" She raised her head but knew no one would come it was a 'every man for himself' situation. She pushed and rocked and checked for a pulse, there was none, she unbuckled his life vest and began CPR after about five rounds he finally came back groggy his vision blurry, head pounding, hearing was just a high pitch noise or a muffled noise. Danni tried to get him to say something but he just laid there.

"Matthew! We gotta go! Get up!" Danni screamed Matt's vision and hearing were coming back slowly but the pounding in his head would not cease. He re-buckled his life vest and nodded. Danni helped him get to his feet. The ship moved again so Matt held tightly to Danni's hand and wrapped his arm around the railing This time the ship moved a lot further down it was hard for Matt to keep his footing Danni slipped and fell to her knees causing Matt to go down with her he felt his arm snap around the railing he felt like it was going to break in two. He let go of the railing and they slid half way down the boat to the front of the ship that was being overtaken by water. In the midst of everyone sliding into each other at the front of the ship and everyone trying their best to get up to move back up to the life boats some of them just decided to jump right there. Danni and Matt quickly find each other again but Danni can't put full force on her leg. It's hard for her to walk her leg is swollen badly. It feels like its broken. Matt decides they too will take their leave of the ship there too. He knew Danni couldn't make the hike up the ship to the life boats and he couldn't carry her. Once they were off the ship Matt found a part of the table and grabbed it.

"Here's what we're going to do. You're going to get up here you're going to use your arms and ill push you and use my legs to swim to that island over there. It looks about two miles. We can do it." Matt directed

"What if nobody finds us?" 

"I'm sure that when help comes for them. They'll go to that island to see if anybody else went there. It's dangerous to wait in the water. We need to get to land."  Danni shook her head in agreeance. She climbed up on the floating table and as a team they worked together to swim to the island.

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