How you met

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You flopped down into your towel, yanking the over sized Tshirt you had brought with over your head. It stuck to your back and sides uncomfortably, but you weren't use to being practically butt naked in public. Truth was, your family could never afford vacations. Swimming was possible, only because of the run down pool down the street from your childhood home. You were off work for a whole week, and your first thought had been to visit the water.

Beating down, the sun's rays warmed your back, making you drowsy. It was beautiful, the ocean. And so big. You'd never imagined anything could be so vast, reminding you just how small humans were.

Soon you found yourself lying back, closing your eyes against the glare from above. Just as you had entered the stage between full sleep and consciousness, the wind was knocked out of you.

"Oh, shit, sorry!" Somebody yelled. Your eyes flew open, and as you turned your head you watched a worn and sandy football bounce across the shore. In the other direction, a man in blue swim trunks with palm tree print skidded to a halt by your head, grains of sand falling near your head. "Are you okay?"

"Fine." You gritted your teeth, your breath already returning. Shyly, you lifted your shirt to look at your stomach, which was a dark pink, very noticeable compared to the tan you'd been working on. Little red scratches dotted your skin.

Tucking the hem down again, you realized the man was still watching you, green eyes full of concern. "It was an accident," he smiled apologetically. "Me and my brother, we just got a little too into it. I was trying to show off and see how far I could catch it-"

"It's okay. It's not even going to bruise." You gave a weak grin.

His mouth hung ajar, his tongue pressing against the backs of his teeth. As he moved to grab the ball, your immediate thought became, "Damn. He's kinda hot." And then, "With my luck he's taken already."

Jogging back to you, he held out his hand, and you took it, letting him pull you to your feet. "I'm Dean."

"Y/N." You replied.

"Are you here alone?"

You nodded. "On vacation from work."

His gaze never wavered. He held onto your hand a millisecond too long, and stood closer than what strangers do, but it didn't bother you. Really, more than anything, it thrilled you. Is he trying to tell me something?

"Well, Y/N, would you like to toss this around with us for a bit? If you're not too hurt." He asked as he shifted the football from his left to his right hand. Nodding again, you began to make your way down the beach.


"I will see you all Monday. Remember, Show Choir meets up back here tomorrow morning no later than nine. The bus leaves for contest at nine thirty," you spoke over the final bell, "And remember to bring your team shirts!"

The last few stragglers with questions about next day's trip grabbed their books and shoved the door open, chatting excitedly. Somebody slipped in past, a tall man in a black suit and red tie. His eyes were hard to tell the certain color at first.

"Can I help you, sir?"

"I'm hoping you can," he stepped closer to you, and you couldn't help but feel even smaller. Most of your students towered about you, but suit was a giant. "Detective Da..." His eyes met yours.


"Winchester, sorry." He flipped a badge open, holding it up to your face for examination.

"Well, Detective Da... Winchester, I'm (F&L name)," you teased, and he held back a laugh as he grinned. "I'm assuming you're here about Francine?"

"I am," he nodded."I just have a couple of questions, which will speed up the process of catching her killer."

"So then it was murder? I'd only heard rumors, the police won't tell us anything."

"As of now, with as much evidence that's been gathered, yes. Tell me, what kind of a student was she?"

"Um... What can I say besides just all around model kid? A/B average, turned in all assignments on time, volleyball team captain, third year member of the drama club, very kind and respectful to everyone."

"Sounds like a unique girl."

"She was." You confirmed, clasping your hands together.

"And did she act any different in the days leading up to her death? Violent outbursts? Loss of interest in class?"

"No, I don't think so," you shook your head. "Well, actually, I shouldn't be saying this but-" your phone rang just then. "I'm sorry, I have to take this," you apologized as you saw the contact was your mother. She'd been at the hospital for the past two days with your step father. You lived on the opposite end of the country from them, and flying out wasn't really an option unless the worst happened.

"No problem," he handed you a small card, with a phone number at the bottom. "Call me when it's convenient and we can talk more on it."

"Will do." You waved to him as he excused himself, and you immediately answered your phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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