Chapter Four~ A Will to Protect

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If there was anything Fay hated more than the cold, it was being out in the cold sitting at the back of a wagon full of goats. Four goats casually loitered about at the wagon while Fay hugged herself, trying to stay warm. Every rock and hole the wagon hit fed the flame that was her annoyance. Ultimately she didn't mind being back here with the goats if it meant keeping Alice comfortable on the front seat. Although Fay preferred the walk to Miora, Sir Doyle insisted he take them to the city. It was the least he could do to repay Fay and Alice for helping him take care of the rabbits ruining his crops.

Fay could overhear Alice telling Sir Doyle about the boy who had come to them a couple days ago. For the past few days it was all Alice could talk about, and it was all Fay could think about. The boy had a familiar scent as she did; the scent she tried so hard to scrub off her being. James carried himself like a normal boy, but she could feel something deep beneath the surface. What made her suspicions grow worse was what was engraved on the top of his pocket watch. It was an old language not of this land. That and the four hands on the watch made her suspect it was more than just any pocket watch. Still, she was eager to meet this boy again.

The wagon came to a stop before she could finish her thought. After a long bumpy, smelly ride they finally arrived at Moira's gates. Fay hopped off the wagon, brushing off all the hay that stuck to her black pants and the inside of her coat somehow. Alice got off the front carriage and Sir Doyle was on his way shortly after.

"After today, I hope I never see the back of that wagon again," Fay said, letting Alice pick hay off her hair.

"You should have just let me sit in the back like I offered!" Alice said.

Fay flicked Alice's nose, "Let's get going. We can't keep your boy wonder waiting."

Alice's face went noticeably red, "Don't say it like that." She whispered, hoping nobody heard what Fay had just said.

Beyond the city gates was a the usual litter of travelers either trying to squeeze in and out of the city, or even just trying to squeeze through to the other side of the street. It was the most visited spot of the city so many shops were set up along the stretch of road that lead into the main districts. Fay had suggested going at noon since the crowds in the city would die down a bit, but Alice insisted they go as early as they could. The congestion of voices that filled the marketplace was an annoyance to Fay. The sound of dozens of men, women, and children advertising their products sounded raged like a battle between vendors. One side would yell 'roasted duck' and the other would yell 'golden roasted duck', just to steal any would-be customers.

"How ya holding up back there?" Fay asked, having to shout the question.

Alice's hands were wrapped around Fay's, "This is madness!" Alice accidently bumped into a large man carrying a heavy bag full of rice. The man turned his gaze to Alice and lowered his head just to scream in the poor girl's face, "Watch where you're going you brat!"

"I-I'm sorry sir," She stammered, clutching at Fay's arm.

Fay put an arm over the man's broad shoulders, "Pardon my friend, she can such an airhead sometimes." She said with a friendly smile.

The man's heavily bearded face did not return her smile, "How about you teach her how to walk a straight line? Maybe a leash would do her some good."

It was hard to maintain the smile, but she kept it. "Duly noted," Fay said before the man continued through the crowd.

"Wait for it..." Fay said, before Alice was able to let out a word.

As the large bearded man strode through the marketplace his large bag of rice suddenly ripped apart at the bottom, spilling the rice all over the road. The man tried stopping it from leaking but it was too late as all that was left was an empty sack. The girls laughed so hard, running off before the man noticed it was Fay who had made an incision in the fabric with the dagger she keeps hidden in her coat. "Serves the jackass right!"

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