Mafia and Love, Don't Mix Well - More Than Happy To Leave

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Okay its finally updated!! Sorry for such the long wait, we have both been busy.

This chaoter is rather boring, so sorry about that it will get more interesting! just keep reading! Again sorry for the lateness and the wait! Thanks

 "So, is there anything that we can do besides sitting here and being awkward?" I ask. I'm sick of just sitting here, watching everyone in the room exchange awkward glances with each other.

 "Well, we can always go out and do someth- oh wait, we actually can't. Sorry, you're stuck with this for the next hour and a half."  Liam replies sarcastically.

 "Listen mister, I'm not appreciating that attitude." I respond to him, crossing my arms over my chest.

 "Oh, and do you think that I appreciate having some strange chick just barge in our dressing room and completely ruin our evening?" He defends, returning my glare.

 "Hey! Listen, none of this was part of the plan, okay?"

 "And exactly what plan is that? Oh wait, you can't tell us. What's the big secret here? What are you hiding?"

 I hold my head high, he's right I do have a secret, but he has no use to know. "Nothing that you need to worry about."

 "Maybe Louis was right, maybe you are here to murder us."

 "Trust me, if I was here to murder you all, then that would have already been taken care of." I smirk at Liam's expression, it's nice catching him off guard. But he quickly covers it up with a smirk of his own.

 "Listen babe-"

 "Don't. Call. Me. That." I say, trying to control all of my anger that I feel bubbling up inside of me. "The name is Dylan. That's what you call me. Nothing else."

 "Or what?" Liam challenges, looking serious.

 "What do you mean or what?" He responds looking confident. No one has ever questioned me like this before or even bothered to challenge me. Everyone knows that I'm not one to mess with, but I won’t let him know I'm stunned by his boldness, instead I raise a brow at him waiting for his response.

 "I mean, what will you do if I call you something other than Dylan, babe?" He says mocking me. For the first time since I proved to everyone in the mafia that girls can be bad-ass, somebody is mocking me.

 Unintentionally, I squint my eyes. "I'll make you sorry for it."

 "By what, beating me up?" He is still teasing me. My hands ball up in fists. "Lemme tell you something sweetie, if you so much as touch me, then I'll just scream and security will come in here and take your sorry, little ass to jail." He raises his eyebrows, smiling evilly. I contemplate this, and realize, that he is absolutely right.

 "Fine. Just don't call me all those girly names. Kay?" I say, hoping that he'll just agree with it. It's hard enough to admit that he has a point.

 "Whatever." He replies nonchalantly and walks into the other room. Everyone now just stares at me blankly.

 What the hell? Why are they all staring at me like that?

 I ignore them and look through my phone searching for one particular contact that i could text. After scrolling through and finding "Jade Mathews" I enter in new text message.

 Hey, what are you doing? I need someone to entertain me for an hour and half.

 I waited for her response, but knowing her she wasn’t going to reply to me anytime soon. Some friend she is. I put my phone on my stomach as I'm still laid down with my feet propped up on the arm of the love seat.

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