Mafia and Love, Don't Mix Well- School SUCKS

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A/N: Hey everyone, I am SO sorry that I have only been able to write a little bit of this book so far (like only part of the last chapter) :/ but I'm doing this next chappie!! :) Hope ya'll like it xD ~Lexxie

"Get up Dylan, you're going to miss the bus!" I hear my father yell up at me.

"Ugh, I so don't want to go today." I complain more to myself than anyone else.

I roll over onto my side, and then onto the floor. I land with a loud thump, and then untangle myself from the mess of blanket that is consuming me. I walk into the bathroom that is connected to my room, then undress and hop into a warm shower. I hurry up and wash myself and my hair, then jump out and wrap a towel around me. Next is picking out my outfit, which is more just of pulling random clothes out of my closet. Today's outfit consists of a black tank-top with a white heart on the upper left side of it, black skinny jeans, knee-high black converse, and of course my favourite black, leather jacket.

Hmm, not too shabby.

After my hair is brushed, I head downstairs and into the kitchen to grab a piece of toast. Once I've finished scarfing down my so-called 'breakfast', I head to the front door, carefully tip-toeing past my father's office.

"Dylan, wait up a minute." He calls to me.

Shit! So much for leaving un-noticed. He's probably going to ask if something else happened ont that last mission for like the umpteenth time.

I grimace at the thought. There is no way that my father can find out about that whole boyband scenario. I would be dead. So dead.

"Yes?" I ask, peeking my head through the doorway.

"Would you please see to it that you get home as soon as you can? I have another task for you to accomplish tonight."

"Okay, sounds good." I start backing up, but my father is too fast.

"And that means no detention, Dylan. Try to be good today, okay?"

"Fine." I grumble. The only way that I can make school such less for me is by misbehaving, pulling a prank or two here and there, beat up a few of the guys picking on a helpless nerd. But this always has its drawbacks, detention. It always has to hold up my missions, but whenever I ditch, I end up getting more of it, or ISS (In School Suspension). Although father doesn't care too much about any of this, it really gets on his nerve when it costs him something. I mean, wouldn't you be mad if your second-string guys have to go out on an uber-big mission because your first-string is in detention?

"Okay then. I will see you in a couple of hours."

"Whatever," I grumble. And then I'm off, out the front door and to the bus stop. The bus is already there, and the last few kids at the station are piling in.


I start running, pulling my backpack as close to my back as possible so that it isn't bopping around as I run. I of course make it to the bus just in time, just like always. As I step up the stairs, the bus driver gives mea nasty look, I smile sarcastically at him in return. He starts driving, even though I' not in a seat yet.

Well screw you too bus driver person.

I scan the bus for an empty seat. Unluckily, there isn't one today. There are a few seats with only one person, but I'm not really up for sitting next to Fidgetty Fred or Dirty Dug. Instead, I do something that I've just thought of. I go to the very back of the bus, and lean against the emergency exit door, mindful not to hit the trigger to open the door. On my left, there is a couple making out intensely, and on my right there is a nerd holding some sort of science fair project or something.

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