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Tina went out of her car and ran to barbie with a big smile...

"ooooh..i think my kiddo was already happy..."

"thank you babe...thank you.."

Tina hug her...

"uhm..for what?"

"for everything..for always being there for me..."

"naaaahhh...im your bestfriend right? I need to be at your back...i need to support you in any means..."

"hmmm..im so happy"

"so?..what's your plan?"

"i think i need to rush my scenes...i need to finish it all before thursday.."


"cause it's our anniversary..i want to surprise aom.."

"hmmm..so childish...what surprise?...a balloon party?like that?"

"haha..i think just a dinner for two..."

"hmmm..it's not a surprise..you always do it right?"

"hmmm..yah..but..i dont have any idea.."

"what if...hmmm"

Days gone by...tina's work became so smooth...which made her finished all the scenes she was handling...

"so?...we go now?"

"yah...im ready..."

"you must...hmmm...and hey...dont act so nervous...you might ruin the plan.."

"fine....ill calm down.."

Aom just finish her project with mike...
And it was successful..as mike still didnt stop wanting her...but aom was already fucos on tina...and dont wanna make a mess..
She was cleaning her room..when she remembered that day was their anniversary..

"did she forget today was our anniversary?she didnt even greated me...haiiistt"

She dialled tina's number...but it was out of coverage. .

"great!..i wont call her anymore...grrr"

Somebody knock on her door...she wipe her sweaty forhead before opening the door...


Her mom didnt say anything...
She just let herself in...
Then look around...

"are you alone?"

"yes...i always been alone.."


Aom nodded

"cause i heard...someone is visiting you here always...and sometimes stay here the whole night.."

"huh?..who told you that mom?..such a liar"

Aom wasnt looking to her mom

"aom??aom look at me.."


"youre still seeing her..."

"seeing who mom?"

"stop lying!!.. I know everything...i know that you cancelled the wedding because of tina...and that presscon with mike?is a big untrue...are you using your mind ..huh?how could be with tom...?what's happening huh?"

" i love her mom...im sorry..."

"i told many times...she's not good for you..she will just destroy your carreer..."

"no mom..youre wrong..tina motivates all the time...she is not just a lover but a bestfriend...a shoulder everytime i need to cry.."

"ridiculous!! Youre really insane... I let you be close to her...cause i thought you know how to handle yourself...but you just let her fool you..."

"she didnt fooled me..im inlove with her...."

"stop!!shut up aom...! I dont wanna hear that again..."

The door knub twist and it opened...


Tina didnt saw aom's mom..and when she did...she ask the floor to swallow her whole...
Aom's mom let tina in..and all of them sat down on the sofa...
Aom was holding tina's hand...

"all my life..i didnt imagine my daughter be with a tom...now i regret i let her paired up with you....aom is a good actress..and i know she'll excel even without that movie you made together .."

"maam..im sorry...i tried to stop this feelings that i have for aom...but i just cant..i love her so much..more than my life...please believe me...my intention for aom is clear"

"tina..i have no problem with you...youre a good person...but for one thing...i really dont want you to be with aom.....i know this will sound rude...but...youll just gonna ruined everything...please understand...i know aom did this because of a big misunderstanding....she wasnt inlove with you...maybe you just misinterpret it..."


"if you really love her...youll let her go tina..."

"mom..no...tina..please...dont listen to her..."

"tina??...think of aom....what if her fans wont accept your relationship..and then stop supporting her...."

"tina....no...that's not true...you know that"

Tina slowly let go of her tears....

"mom!!please....dont do this..."

"i want to see how much you love aom...if you really mean it..then let her go.."

Tina stare at aom...aom was already begging and crying ..

"im sorry maam...but i just let her go once...and i really regret it...now...if i do it agAin..i might not get a chance to have her back...i love her...and i promise not to leave her anymore..."

"then...this talk is done...from now on...i dont wanna see the both of you....and aom...forget that youre a part of the family..."

Her mom went out of her condo....and bang the door...

"thank you...thank you so much.."

"ssshhhhh....its ok...everything will be fine...they'll gonna see that we made a right decision.."


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