3 - Baseball Has It's Ways

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Anyways, comment, vote, fan, enjoy ~

Chapter 3: Julie

 "Look at her." A ditzy blonde said loudly to an anorexic redhead. Really? This park is supposed to be a bitch-free zone. Dressed in tight shirts and really short skirts with their hair pulled back into high ponytails and their lips smeared with designer lipstick, they stared at me with their demeaning eyes. "She's such a slut. I mean you don't have to sleep with the entire basketball team to be happy." Ha. She has no idea.

"You know you should really practice your whispering skills." I shot back into her face, surprising her and her friend. "And for your information, I'm just a player unlike you who probably worked your way through the whole football team with one single flash." I said slickly before turning on my heel and leaving her in tears. When you play with fire, you gonna get burned...badly.

I've seen all the stares and heard all the nasty remarks for so long, it doesn't bother me anymore. They can say all they want, but when you're not in my shoes, you can't judge me. When you talk crap about me, you're going to feel the sting of my words. That's just how I roll.

Since being perceived as a player, my reputation has actually gone higher than I thought it would go. I attract all the guys with just a twirl of my dark brown curls or a bat of my eyelashes. They see me as a badass girl and someone they want to play with. Sadly for them, I dump them fast before they even come close to reaching distance of "playtime". That doesn't stop them from trying though. Only one person had gotten the closest...and that very person had to be the one who turned me into a player; the one who changed my entire life; the one I fell hard for, but was left into pieces after a once hot-red heartbreak. I can't be reminded of him. It's been two years and that's far too long to still be in pain.

"Hey. I've heard you're a dangerous one Julie. My name's-"

 "Not interested." I said to a really hot guy with blond hair and bright green eyes. Even though he was gorgeous beyond any degree, his actions and words exposed a jerk. Jerk=Naughtiness which is never good. I really didn't want some random dude trying to get their hands down my pants; that's not my cup of tea.

"Come on. Just give me a chance Julie." He pleaded, losing all his confidence and just down right begging on his knees. Sad really.

"Sorry buddy. Not into a boyfriend right now."

"Really? Julie Auburn, the beautiful, but devious school player doesn't want a boy toy? Unless you're already playing a couple of them." His ignorance starting covering up his lack of self-confidence, but I just rolled my eyes.

 "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Just one thing we both know for sure though, you're not going to be one of my 'boy toys.'" I replied effortlessly, adding air quotes for emphasis. "See ya Bryant."

"Hey! How do you know my name?" He shouted as I started heading in the opposite direction with my back against him. He's so freaking stupid when he's too busy falling for me.

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