4 - Strangers Again

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Chapter 4: Ryan

I watched her car zoom into the distance. I small half grin formed on my face. She was the one: same brown curls, same amazing body, and same perfect smile; she was the girl from the supermarket and now I had a date with Ms. Julie Auburn next Friday. I actually found her. I shook my head in disbelief and stared up into the sky. Wow, fate was a crazy thing.

Walking back to the baseball field, I was so glad I had decided to get the hell out of the house. I had been stuck in my room for the freaking past week, thinking about Abby twenty-four seven. If I was this in pain, I shouldn't have broken up with her, but then she'd just continue her cheating pleasure. Who knows how many guys she's played with; I just knew Noah was one of them.

Julie might act the same though. Knowing through Kendall, she goes through guys like nobody's business. She had just broken up with Kendall's friend, Eli, and some other dude I never got the name of. She was with two guys at the same time and probably with a lot more from what others had said. Even though she had a bad rep, I saw something in her.

When I talked to her, she had lost that entire bad-ass attitude and I saw this girl who was being herself, but I also saw another feeling...she was scared. I guess something in the past has scarred her love life and she had to guard her heart closely. The only way she knew how was to go through boys without feeling and meaning, making them suffer as well.

She was burying the pain...I knew it because it was how I was feeling and I was going through the same phase right now. I was covering up my sadness with being my witty charming self and I guess it was working considering Julie had fell for it. Wait...was I lying to her? No, I was just saving myself from a million questions of what's wrong and sympathy from her. People didn't get the situation I was going through and all their fake sorries wasn't going to help either. So why did I feel so guilty? Maybe if I had given the chance to open me up, I'd be less hung up on Abby. When the time is right, I'll tell her. I promised to myself. What the hell was with me talking to myself?

I made myself back to the field as they were about finished with the game. Thanks to Julie's hot red hitting streak, Luke's team won fifteen to six.

"So much for my new Madden video game." Kendall mumbled, slapping down a fifty to Luke who was counting it up over and over as if Kendall was cheating him out. "Can you stop rubbing it in my face already? Without Julie, we would've whooped your asses."

"Hey! So I wouldn't have been much use?" I interrupted them, laughing and holding my hand out to one of Kendall's players who had yet to pay up.

"What gives? You didn't even play! Why should Brent pay up to you? The person he should be paying up to is Julie." Kendall cried out, slapping my hand out of the way.

"I'll be sure to give it to her on our date next Friday."

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