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"Rory, come on! You never want to go out!" I could hear my bestie Lilly's disappointment clear as day. "Lilly listen to me, I have so much to do tonight, I can't be worried about my presentation, and worry about getting you home while you're in a drunken stupor," I said into the phone, recalling vague memories of our wild college years. Lilly is one of the hardest people to be friends with, because of her lack of common sense, but she had been my best friend since the first day of my first class. "Come on Rory! I won't get drunk! I'll let you do all the drinking. Besides if we're honest, I'd be going home with some random guy anyway...come on Rory, please!" Lilly had not pushed this hard for a night out in a long time. I wasn't much of a partier, honestly I hardly drank at all, but Lilly's love language was a good party. "Fine bitch I'll go out tonight.." I immediately regretted that decision when my ear drums were subjected to a sudden explosion of sound. "Yyyyyyyyeeeeessssss queen," She screamed in her best "basic bitch" voice. And that's when I knew, something crazy was going to happen. "I'll be at your place in an hour! And I know you don't have a costume, so I'll bring the sexiest, most ass revealing costume I can find!" My stomach dropped. "No Lilly! Not only are you making me go out on Halloween, but it's dressed as a slut? No I can't do that," I said suddenly feeling self conscious about myself.
I wasn't comfortable with my body like Lilly was, she had the tiniest cutest frame, and she never worried about men finding her attractive. Me on the other hand...well that was a different story. I was about five foot five, and had a very curvy figure. I was usually pretty confident, because I bought clothes that accentuated my small waist. I knew that Lilly would bring me a crazy outfit I couldn't hide in, and I just wasn't ready. "Oh no girl! You are not doing that to yourself! You're fucking hot! You just don't let yourself believe that. I'm bringing something hot for you, and that's that." Lilly was small, but mighty. She could convince me to do almost anything. "Alright, one hour." I said, and with a large squeal Lilly hung up the phone. "Oh great, this night is about to get weird," I said rolling my eyes. I stood up from my steel gray sofa and headed toward my bathroom. As I entered the bathroom, I took a moment to look at myself in the long full length mirror. My eyes went straight to my hair. It's naturally curly texture and deep mahogany color always made a statement. I liked my hair, it was something I always got complimented on, and it was something I was genuinely proud of. Then I drifted down to my face, I had a decent face. I had very pale skin, it used to bother me, but my dark hair coupled with my light eyes and skin made me look like Snow White, and it was something I'd grown accustom to. My eyes continued to rake over my body, and that's when I stopped looking. If I looked at my body too much I started to feel self conscious. I thought I as pretty, I didn't have trouble dating, but all the men that like me where creeps.

My mind went back to Ryan, and my stomach became knots. Ryan was someone I didn't want to ever see again, he made me sick. His face haunted my nightmares, and he was one of the reasons I'd moved so far away. Leaving Vermont was hard, that was where my parents were buried. I had no living family, but the thought of not visiting them again, it broke me. They meant everything to me. My thoughts went to my mom and dad. They where the best people anyone could ask for, and I got them as parents. They were always sweet, loving, and thought of others first. My mom was not only beautiful, but intelligent. She had a glowing career as a journalist and was even offered a job in New York City. My dad was an inspiring history professor, and was loved by the whole community. These where my parents, smart, wonderful, attractive, loving, and now...dead. Even after six years, it still hurt. I grieved for them everyday, and I couldn't see them again...Ryan had made sure of that. I felt the tears pouring out of my eyes. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and got in the shower, tonight I would drink. I needed to have fun, I needed to get away.

When I was satisfied with my cleanness, I stepped out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror, "Time to whore up!" I yelled amusingly, this was gong to be a night I'd never forget, I would make sure it was. I started blow drying my hair and prepared to curl it. I wasn't sure what outfit Lilly would bring, so I chose a loose, yet perfectly structured curl. It would work for any costume, and I looked fucking hot! *Ding dong* I heard the door bell ring. I ran to the door, and opened it to revealing Lilly, dressed in a sexy devil costume with flaming scarlet hair to match. "Damn girl, you ready for the costume I got you?" She asked her devilish smile looked more menacing in her costume. She moved her arms from behind her back to reveal a garment bag. She pushed past me into the apartment, laid the garment bag onto the table and started to unzip the bag. She turned around a second later, holding the tightest most revealing white maxi dress I had ever seen. "You're going to be my sexy angel," she announced visibly proud of herself. "No Lilly, I cannot wear that," my voice was shaking a bit, I as way to fat for that dress. "Oh no girl! You shut up and put this damn thing on. I will not take no for an answer, and you're going to look amazing." I smiled at her, sure she was wrong, but it was Halloween. I could look awful for one night. I took the dress with defeat and went into the bathroom. Lilly parked her perky ass on my bed and waited for me.
She looked amazing, her bronzed skin and her little figure, made her skimpy red dress look like it was made for her. Her newly died scarlet hair, made the look complete, and I'd never met anyone who could pull off hair like that. She must be the devil cause she was fuckin hot as hell. I went into the bathroom and closed the door. I finished off my makeup going with white and silver colors to give me an angelic look. Then, I paused. I looked at the dress again, took a deep breath and put my costume on. I didn't bother to look in the mirror, I just put my halo on and walked out. Lilly's jaw dropped, "Shit Rory, you look amazing! Like I wanna fuck you!" Her words made me blush, now I just wanted to get out of here. "Come on devil whore, let's go." I said mockingly flicking her fire red horns. She smiled, and we were out the door.

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