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The night was a brisk one. I was suddenly conscious of my nipples hardening against the cold. I couldn't wear a bra with this damn dress and my large breasts where barely concealed as it was by the fabric. "Shit Lilly, this dress is not made for chubby people," I said suddenly aware of the looks I was getting. "Bitch please, I could never make that dress look that good, you look amazing! Just suck it up and admit it! Every guy we've passed looks like he wants to drag you off and give you a good spanking! Plus that sweet innocent look on your face is just makin it better," Lilly winked and pointed to my obnoxiously glittered wings. "Every Victoria's Secret Angel would die to be you right now." Lilly's smile was helping me, but I was still self concious. We finally arrived at the club and my inhibition melted away. I was ready to party! We barely had to wait in line, thanks to Lilly's sexy little body, and even sexier flirting. I blushed as she pushed her body against the bouncer, he let us in no problem.
The club was dark, loud, and smelled of booze and sweat. "Rory, let's go get us some drinks!" Lilly yelled as she pulled me through the throng of people. We got up and Lilly ordered a plain and simple beer, I could tell the bar tender wanted to stand there and look down her skimpy dress, but he reluctantly moved his eyes to me. "And you?" He asked, having decided my breasts would suffice for the ones he'd just lost. "Gin and tonic with a twist please," I said, my mouth salivating over the thought of my favorite drink. "Damn he's hot!" I could barley hear Lilly's voice over the noise. I looked back at him, and started to notice that he was pretty hot. He was tall, with dark brown skin, perfectly white teeth, and was all muscle, and now he was staring at Lilly. "Lils, you need to hook up with him, he's just your type," I said smiling at her. "I have a type?" She said looking puzzled. "Yeah, he's sexy, and a straight man, he's just your type," I laughed amused and Lilly nodded her head in agreement. The bartender came back over, and stood in front of me and Lilly. "Anything else for you ladies," he cooed now openly licking his lips as he looked at Lilly's tight little body. "Mmm nothing except a good time," Lilly replied licking her lips back. I took this as my que, I grabbed my drink and headed to one of the few empty booths in the club. I wasn't much for clubs, but this one was nice, I mean it's the fanciest in downtown Detroit, and it was Lilly's favorite. She frequented bars and clubs, but her being a successful cosmetologist and salon owner made it easier for her to do so. My job as an accountant did not. Yes, I'm an accountant. Usually when I tell people that they think I'm a boring old stiff, and I guess I kind of am. I don't go to work for fun though, I go to make money. It isn't my dream job, but nothing in my life ever turned out like my dreams. If I had my dreams I'd be a journalist like my mom, living in New York, married to (or at least dating) a nice guy, but no. I'm an accountant. The only thing that I really loved was Lilly, and my city. You wouldn't know it, but Detroit is an amazing place to live. There is so much history, and so much to do, I was glad I moved here. If my dreams had gone as planned I wouldn't have met Lilly and I wouldn't have met this city, and those where the best things in my life. I smiled as I looked back to the bar and saw Lilly distracting the sexy bartender. "What would I do without you," I whispered to myself. "Probably still be in Vermont with me." My skin turned to ice, and I couldn't move. I knew that voice, I knew it better than anyone. "Hello Alora Clark, you have only gotten sexier with time my dear," I swallowed the bile now rising in my throat, and turn to face him. It was Ryan, sitting next to me with two gin and tonics in his hands. "I see I had some lasting influence, still love my favorite drink?" He smiled mockingly at me and started to sit closer to me. I try to back away from him, but I can't, he has a hold on my leg. "Mmmmm you still smell so good, and that costume certainly leaves nothing to the imagination, I can't wait to see it again," he smiled digging his fingers deeper into my thighs. "I always loved your thick thighs, and now they're even thicker, I can't wait too put my face....FUCK!" He stopped half way in his sentence as I chucked my gin and tonic into his face. He let go of my thigh and I slipped from the booth and quickly tried to get lost in the crowd. I weaved through, going up to the second floor of the club and hid in a dark uninhibited corner. I looked over the balcony and could see Ryan on the main floor searching for me. I sighed slightly relieved, he wasn't gone, but at least he didn't know where I went. I sat up here and waited. About ten minutes later he gave up and left the bar. I suddenly felt relieved, but sick. My stomach was in knots and I needed to go to the bathroom. I briskly made my way downstairs to the ladies room. Thankfully it was low in habitation due to the night still being young. I ran into to the stall and immediately started vomiting, I couldn't handle the contents in my stomach. He had touched me. My body shivered, and I vomited again. I know it was a long time ago, but he still disgusts me. Everything about him struck fear and pain into my being. I was thankful I had been able to get away, but he'd found me. I hadn't seen him in four years, and he was here tonight, in my beloved city, touching me. I slowly stood up feeling a bit better, and glad I had convinced Lilly to let me wear a small cross body purse. I grabbed the small toothbrush and toothpaste I keep for such occasions. I brushed my teeth put it back in my bag and put on my "big girl" face. I couldn't leave Lilly, I needed to make sure she as okay, and until I knew that, I would stay here, even if I feared Ryan would come back, I wouldn't leave Lilly. When you lack serious common sense, you need someone like me. I walked out of the bathroom and went to the main dance floor. The club had gained about fifty more people, and was getting a little crowded. I looked around to see if I could find my scarlet haired beauty, I was relieved to see sexy bartender and Lilly making out in the corner. "Well he must be off duty," I heard a husky voice call behind me. I turned around startled and was confronted by a delicious smelling man. He was pretty tall and very fit. I looked up at his face and saw he had a pearly white smile, and perfectly groomed blonde hair. "Hi, my names James," he said his smile captivating me again. "Hi, I'm Rory, it's nice to meet you," I finally composed myself enough to respond. He was one good looking young man. I smiled back at him, slightly amused at my old lady like thoughts. Man, did I need to get laid! "Can I just say, you are stunning, I think the costume fits you perfectly," he said a little too cheesy, but he was sexy, so I let it slide. "Thank you, but it was my friend, the devil," I said jester to Lilly, who was now grinding her body against the bartender, keeping perfect time to the music, "it was her idea," I finished moving my attention back to James. "Well I'm glad she thought of it, every man in this club is staring at you, so I made sure I was the first to approach you." He winked, and I suddenly got a weird feeling, I couldn't tell what it was, but something wasn't right. I shrugged this off and chalked it up to insecurity. He was hot, and he liked me, why not?

Boy do I need to trust me gut....

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