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James was wonderful. In fact he was sweet, helpful, and smart. He was a lawyer for a large Detroit law firm, and I was impressed. He didn't even flinch when I told him I was an accountant, most men stop me there, because they think I'd be boring in bed. Instead James smiled, like this somehow pleased him. He was perfect, but my stupid creep radar kept going off. I was paying closer attention then usual, but there was nothing creepy about him. He wasn't like the other men my radar had told me to avoid. After dating many creeps I had developed a sixth sense, unlike the movie mine wasn't for dead people, it was for creepy men trying to have sex with me. There were levels, level one was, "nice guy, but he probably has a too close attachment to his mom" and it went to level five: "stalk you, kill you, and stuff you in the basement." Sure it's not kind to judge people this way, but it's worked every time. James wasn't even level one, but something about him made my nerves peak. Something was off, but what was it. My mind was going a thousand miles an hour, and wasn't stopping. Why was he creeping me out? "I'll be right back, want another gin and tonic?" He asked as he stood up from our booth. I smiled and said, "Another would be great thank you." He nodded and headed toward the bar. I sat up and started looking for Lilly, and realized she was gone. "Shit," I whispered under my breath. I grabbed for my purse and opened it to look for my phone. There was a text from Lilly. I opened it hoping it was good information in case I needed it.

Hey bitch, I saw you with sex on legs and decided not to bother you. The bartenders name is Damian, I'm in a cab, and I heard his address so I text it to you as well. Go get laid you super slut, love ya!

I saw that she had in fact sent me the address and I felt relieved. Finally my many seminars on how to stay safe was paying off. James returned with our drinks and smiled. "I didn't see your little friend, that guy finally convince her to go home with him?" He ask with an amused laugh. "Yes, although it didn't take much convincing I'm afraid," I said joining in his amusement. Since I knew Lilly was safe, I really wanted to go home, but James was being nice so I decided to stay and finish this drink, maybe get his number and go home. He was nice, and I wanted to get laid, but I just felt weird. We chatted for another hour about many things: work, our friends, and where we grew up. "Yeah I grew up in Vermont," I said giving him a smile. He cheered up and announced "I'm from Vermont too!" That made me uncomfortable for some reason. "I'm from Stowe, where are you from?" His question was innocent, but I was feeling attacked. "I'm from Weston," I said my voice a little shaky, I was starting to feel this question was intentional to something. "Oh that's crazy! I have a cousin from Weston! You might know him, his name is Ryan, Ryan Hansion." My stomach dropped into my feet and flew into my throat at the same time. "Yeah, oh wait are you Alora Clark? You're the little slut that hurt my cousin aren't you?" His voice was menacing and dark. My body was frozen. This could not be happening Ryan had tricked me. "Yeah, that's right, I know exactly who you are. You're the reason my cousin went to jail, and you're going to suffer," his voice held promise...and it wasn't promise I wanted. He moved in close to me and grabbed my hands. "You know what else, you're going to go with me out of this club, and we're going to see my little cousin, understood," he put his face so close to mine that anyone on the outside would have thought we were getting frisky. I tried to pull away, hoping to get my freedom for the second time tonight. The moment I tried to move he pulled something out of his pocket, and held cold steel up to my stomach. "Ohhhh you poor thing, think you can get away?" I could feel the imprint of the gun through the thin fabric of my dress. The cold steel constantly reminding me, I wasn't going to be free, not without a cost. I stared back into his eyes, hoping by some form of demented fate, he would see me, and decide to leave me alone. It didn't make a difference, this was decided. He wanted me, and he was going to make me suffer greatly. My heart started racing, and my breathing started to quicken. "Come with me my dear, let's go see your beloved," his smirk made me want to vomit. I felt uneasy and scared, I didn't know what would happen, all in knew was it would end badly.

James somehow got us out of the club unnoticed. No one seemed to notice the fact that I was being led out of the club by gunpoint, in fact no one seemed to notice me. We got out into the street, and I started to panic. I had hoped so,done would notice, but if no one noticed then I was toast. I knew I couldn't scream cause he would shoot me, but I lasso knew I couldn't give up, I needed to fight, but I needed to make sure the fight was evenly matched. A black SUV pulled up in front of the club, and James forced me inside. I sat down only to realize that Ryan was in the row ahead of me. "Hello Alora, what a pleasure," he said without even acknowledging my existence. "How are you this fine evening," I could see his glare through the review mirror, and I instantly felt sick. This couldn't be happening...not again. "Mmmmm she smells so delightful doesn't she?" He said sniffing the air and pointing the question toward James. "Yes cousin, she does indeed," James spoke with a British accent he had disguised earlier in the evening. I sat speechless, frozen, looking for my escape route, hoping I could come up with something. "I can't wait to get you home my dear, that costume would be better much hotter on the floor...don't you think Jameson?" He finally looked at me directly in the backseat, his smile, making my gut quench. I had to get out, and fast. "Hmmm Ryan, it's very flattering, but I prefer to sleep with men, not monsters," I chimed out with confidence. His smile faded immediately, I knew he hated being called a monster, but he was one. What kind of man kills someone's family, then uses knowledge about you to win your heart.

Ryan was a monster, he was a wolf in sheep's clothing...and now he had me, all to himself...

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