vier: silences

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My first initial thought was to jump over the table and strangle Lukas - but that would be unladylike, so I did the second best thing that I could do.


Everyone turned to look at me and Anna shot me a look which I ignored. "You want us to continue 'dating'?" I asked. Lukas smiled at me and nodded, "Uh huh, for around four months."

I held in a scream as I looked at the contract in front of me. It looked exactly like the first contract I had with Marco, and I wanted to tear it into pieces. Just when I thought I was finally done with Marco Reus, life had to throw a giant curveball at me.

Marco was quiet beside me. He hasn't said anything since I came into the room. I wanted desperately for him to say something, maybe even help me argue with Lukas but he was silent and I hated him for it too.

"It's four months," Lukas said. "Four months and then I promise you guys, enough with the deal. No more dating for publicity, no nothing. You guys will go your separate ways and this won't happen again. However, you have to convince everyone that you're dating. Act like you're actually dating, you know?"

Been there, done that.

I looked at Anna and she was already looking back at me, offering me a reassuring look. I wanted to rip the contract to shreds and leave the office as soon as possible, but my whole career was in Lukas' hands. He could end my career any time he wanted to and still look like an innocent cherub. I hated him. 

"C'mon, guys," Vincent started. "Four months will go by quickly - I swear." he said with a small smile on his face. 

I let out a deep breath and grabbed the pen from the center of the table and messily signed the contract before handing the pen to Marco. He took it from me and signed his contract slowly. He put the pen back in the center of the table and we both turned towards Lukas.

Lukas took the contracts from us and set them inside his briefcase. 

"Great," Lukas said cheerily as if he didn't just kill me. "Now, what about a date?" 



So, here we are again.

I was seated in front of Mia in a restaurant near Anna's office. She was looking around the restaurant, at anywhere but me while I tried to get her attention several times. I could feel the stares of the people around us and I knew this looked beyond weird.

"How was tour, Mia?" I finally asked her, breaking the silence. She looked at me quickly, fixing her blue eyes on me. She blinked a few times and awkwardly ran a hand through her hair, " was fine."

"Did you go to a lot of places?" I asked rhetorically, already knowing the answer to the question.

She nodded, a small smile appearing on her face. When we were still together, Mia loved talking about tour and her fans. She would always have a huge smile on her face and her eyes would twinkle and she'd start talking endlessly about it before apologising for rambling - as if I would ever get annoyed with her talking. 

"What did you like most about it?" I asked her.

She tapped her fingers on the table and bit her lip, "The fans. They're amazing." 



Once again, silence hung over the both of us and we were left with awkwardness. I was about to ask her more about the tour (since that's all I can ever talk about without making it more awkward) when she stood up. 

"Excuse me," she said. "I gotta go to the bathroom." she excused herself before walking away from the table. I sighed softly and leaned back against the chair, mentally cursing myself again for messing up all those months ago.


As soon as I got into the bathroom, I entered one of the stalls and locked the door. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and quickly called Ava. I listened to the dial tone ring for a few moments before Ava finally picked up, singing 'Hello' by Adele at the top of her lungs.

"Ava, Ava, listen!" I hissed. She stopped singing and sighed, "What do you want, grumpy pants?" she asked me. "I'm on a date."

She stayed quiet for a moment and then let out a gasp. "With who? You never tell me anything anymore, I hate you." she said quickly. I rolled my eyes and put down the toilet lid before sitting on it, "It's with Marco." I whispered into the phone.

She stayed quiet again and I worried if she hung up the phone on me when she let out the longest gasp I've ever heard in my life before nearly coughing to death. "I think I swallowed a bug there," she complained. "But, are you serious? Marco Reus?" she screamed into the phone.

"Yes, him! It's a long story, but this is probably the most awkward situation I've ever been in." I told her. "Okay, okay, calm down." Ava told me. "You just have to play it off cool and like the break up didn't even bother you one bit."

"It kinda did though," I interjected to which Ava groaned loudly. "That's why - pretend! Now get out there before Marco thinks you're about to drop the biggest shít in world history."

"Okay, okay, I'm going. Bye." I whispered. I hung up and put the phone back in my pocket. I took a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair a few times before opening the stall door. I exited the bathroom only to see Marco standing in front of the door, looking anxiously at his phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked. Marco looked up so quickly that I worried he got whiplash. "The men's bathroom is over there." I told him, pointing to the bathroom a few feet away from the women's room.

He rubbed the back of his neck and nodded, "I know. I just wanted to check on you."

Check on me. Marco Reus wanted to check on me.

"Oh, you did?"

"Yeah, I kinda worried you climbed out the bathroom window." he laughed. A laugh threatened to escape my mouth but I bit down on my lips to keep it contained. I offered Marco a small smile and he returned it.

"Do you wanna go? I can walk you home," he offered. "I mean - if you want to. If you don't want to, it's totally fine." he added quickly.

I nodded and laughed a little bit at his shaky demeanour. "Yeah, that'd be nice. Thanks."


If I thought the date was awkward - the 10 minute walk back to Mia's house was a thousand times worse.

Nothing was really exchanged between us but meaningless small talk that felt like it drawled on for hours. When we finally arrived at her house, I felt a wave of nostalgia wash over me. The house had so many memories in it and now I was coming back - but as a complete stranger.

I walked her to the door and she grabbed the key from inside her bag and unlocked the door. She stepped in and I gave her a small smile.

"Thanks, Marco," she said. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Yeah, soon." I echoed. She forced a smile on her face and closed the door quickly, leaving me standing in the dust. 


wowow lots of pov changes in this chapter

so this was awkward and REALLY hard to write for me since i haven't written abt marco+mia together in so long but dortsmund helped me sooOOoo much :3 DANKE TAYLOR!  follow her and read her stories i love them so much x

anyway please comment and tell me what you thought about this chapter :)

happy reading lovelies!xx

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