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harry: i talked to him

louis: what'd he say? how'd it go?

harry: i didn't force him to tell me anything. he told me what he wanted to

louis: and what was that?

harry: he said he didn't know

louis: two steps forward one step back

harry: exactly. at least we know he's confused about it\

louis: better than nothing

harry: like you said, two steps forward one step back

louis: one leap back

harry: c'mon. it's not that bad. i told him to think and talk about it. i told him doing so might help him. it helped me, talking to niall and trusted family and friends

louis: good move

harry: thanks

louis: now we wait i guess

harry: now we wait.

harry: oh and i've already told niall this, but if he comes to you asking about it, don't act like you knew about it

louis: of course

harry: put your acting skills to ue

louis: i was in one play

harry: hey, danny zuko is a big role


louis in grease was a fantastic thing. 

these next couple of days are gonna be the last "warm" days before it gets really really cold. like sunday is supposed to be 3 degrees. AS A HIGH. and it's not even that warm. it's in like the thirties. warm for january, I guess. 

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