Chapter Two

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The next evening, the band and Penny headed out to a gig at a pub. Penny had been to many of the boys' concerts, but she never got tired of hearing them. It made her happier beyond compare. Sometimes, while playing a slow love song, John would just look directly at her while singing, as if they were the only two people in the world. 

But this evening, no such thing happen. It seemed as if John was scanning the room for any pretty bird. Any pretty bird except herself. 

Penny tried not to get her down. That would be too easy. John was probably just trying to make her jealous. He liked to joke around. That was all that was going on here. 

Unfortunately, she had no idea that George was staring at her. George had been staring at her for the last two songs. He couldn't help it. When he saw John looking at other girls and Penny looking at John, it made George livid. Why couldn't John see what a brilliant woman he had? How in love she was with him; how she was so faithful to him, even though George knew John didn't return that favor.  George sighed as the last song of the night had ended. 


The night progressed and John had gotten drunker than Penny had ever seen him. He slurred, he couldn't stand up straight. It made Penny just a bit nervous. 

"Why don't we go?" John said, as he sloppily kissed her neck.

"You are not driving. And I'm not staying with you tonight." Penny replied, firmly.

"C'mon, love. You know you want to." John countered, mischievously.

"No. I honestly don't." 

Penny felt as John's hands slowly made their way up her leg and into her dress. She slapped it away and jumped up.

"You bastard!" She cried.

Ringo looked up, confused. All the boys were a little intoxicated but they still could see the wrong in John's actions.

Penny ran out of the pub and climbed into her car. She leaned her head on the steering wheel and cried.

Suddenly, there was a knock on her window.

"Go away, John. I'm done for the night." She sobbed.

"It's Paul, dear." The voice from the other side of the window said, softly.


"Can I come in, love?"

Penny reached over the the other side of the front seat and popped open the passenger seat door. Paul slid in. 

"John didn't mean to be so..." Paul was searching for the right words.


"I wouldn't say vulgar..."

"Rude? Demeaning? Inappropriate?" She lashed out. 

"Yeah. I guess he was a little out of line there. But, love, he loves you so much." Paul returned with a small smile.

"You really think so?" Penny whispered.

"He talks about you non-stop." 

Penny blushed. She really did love John more than anyone else. 

"But, I'll admit, he was being pretty brash out there tonight." Paul said.

"Yeah, well, we all make mistakes..." Penny said, deep in thought. "Thank you, Paul, for coming out here and talkin' to me." 

"No problem, Penny." Paul smiled, giving her a hug. 

A strange sensation engulfed Penny. 

Was she having feelings for Paul? No, no, that couldn't happen. It really couldn't. 

Stop it, Penny, you're with John. She thought to herself.

Paul pulled away and exited the car. 

Penny was confused. She needed sleep. Her head was pounding. It had been a long day.


George walked out into the chilly night air. 

How could John treat Penny like that? It hurt George. Why was she settling for someone who treated her like that? It genuinely hurt George. 

He watched as Paul jogged back up to the Pub door, stopping when he saw George. Penny's car pulled out of the parking place, driving into the dull, dark night.

"What are you doin'?" Paul asked, taking a cigarette out and lit it. 

"Oh, I was just gonna check on Pen. But it looks as if you've handled it." George replied, taking out his own cigarette and lighting it.

"I think she's doing well. She seemed confused."

"Maybe it's because John was being an ass to her." George scoffed. 

"Oh, perhaps so. Don't blame him. He was drunk."

"Oh. Well is he drunk when he leaves for hours on end, God only knows where, doing God only knows what." 

"You think he's cheating on Penny?"

"I do."

A/N: Is it too dramatic thus far? Do you think I should make it a little more chilled out for a bit? Or do you like all the drama?

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