Untitled Part 3-your spirit animal

17 1 2

this is a generator. answer the questions truthfully to find your animal


curious, energetic- 1

shy, quiet-2



evil, sadistic-5

number of good friends

 12-15 - 1

10 to 11 - 2

5 to 9 - 3

1 to 4 - 4

0 -5




work well in a team-3


street smarts-5

Answer Key

add the numbers up, and use the sum to find  your animal in this handy dandy key that i made so you didn't have to figure it out yourself

if you got 1-4, your spirit animal is a monkey. your imagination and your curiosity will lead you far in life.

if you got 5-7, your spirit animal is a deer. your thoughtfulness will give you great empathy

if you got 8-14, your spirit animal is a wolf. you can be playful at times, but you will protect the ones you love

if you got 15-18, your spirit animal is a shark. you will eventually be the boss, and not be very sympathetic

if you got 19-20, your spirit animal is a rat. you are cunning, sneaky, and will not rest until you get what you want, however you do it.

my spirit animal is a wolf. please let me know what yours was in the comments.

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