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I stepped outside and felt a cool breeze move against my cheek. I took out my cellphone and called a taxi. I sat on a bench and waited while the taxi came. As it approached the bench I was sitting at, I stood up and grabbed my things. I adjusted my coat and swallowed the lump in my throat. The yellow car stopped in front of me and I opened the backseat door. I sat down and placed my bag on the seat beside me. I took out my phone and checked if I had any missed calls.

5 Missed calls from|| Jimin

I sighed and ran my hand through my messy hair. I had just finished the first draft of my book and I hadn't been home in three days. My assistant/best friend, Jimin, had been calling me once every few hours to check if I was alright or if I needed anything. I never allowed anyone in my office during my writing periods. I didn't need any distractions if I wanted to accomplish anything. If I stepped out of line father would be very angry. I had put my phone on silent but that apparently didn't stop him from calling. My eyes were aching and I had a terrible creak in my neck. I played it off though because as the son of two successful people I should be professional and not complain about shoulder pains or a worn out back or how every time I stood up I blacked out for a bit...

Okay maybe I should have said something.

I shut my eyes and leaned against the door. "Where to?" the driver asked. I told him my address and as I felt the car move away from the sidewalk I shut my eyes again. I was sleepy and thirsty, very thirsty now that I thought about it. "Actually, take me to the nearest café please." The driver nodded and changed direction. I decided to spend time somewhere other than the office. Even if I was tired, I probably wouldn't have alone time after I published the book. I yawned and looked out the window.


When I arrived at the slightly run down café, I thanked the driver and handed him a ten dollar bill. I grabbed my bag and opened the door. I nodded at the driver one last time and shut the door. I looked inside the café window as the taxi sped away behind me. I saw a cashier and a few other customers either on laptops or drinking coffee. I stepped in and heard the jingling of a bell above me. I let the door shut on its own as I walked to the counter. A boy that looked a bit older than me looked up from what he was doing and walked to the cash register. He's cute, I thought as I stopped in front of him. He had brown hair that almost hid his eyes and green highlights. He looked at me and smiled. I felt like someone had dumped a bucket of icy water on me. I blinked and he giggled probably noticing my sudden change in composure.

"What can I get for you today?"

I shook my head slightly and said the first thing that popped into my mind.


He nodded and walked to the coffee dispenser behind him. As he prepared the drink, I read his name tag. It said Taehyung. Beside it, it had a little sticker of an elephant. I smiled to myself. What a wierdo.

He turned and handed me my drink. "That would be one fifty." I dug out the money from my pocket and put it on the counter. He picked it up and placed it in the cash register and winked. Before I even had the chance to blush, he turned away and walked into a room that read EMPLOYEES ONLY! In big read letters. I turned around and walked stiffly to an empty table with my cup. I sat down and eyed the door of the room he was in but he didn't come back out. I sipped my coffee and dug out my laptop from my bag just as most of the other people that were in here. I supposed that they, like me, were also struggling writers. Either that or they were just here using up the wifi. I opened the folder of my first draft and read it over, fixing a few mistakes. As I worked, I sipped my coffee slowly. It was probably some of the best coffee I'd ever tasted. No wonder there are so much people here drinking coffee. I should come here more often.

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