The House Of The Rising Sun

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Chapter One


"So, Marina. Do you know why you're here?"

The girl scoffs. "Well, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I've been blind for the past twenty years. Why don't you enlighten me?"

"Sure thing, Princess."

Marina could here the smirk laced in his words.

"It's Marina."

"Not when you're here, Princess," the man says, chucking. Marina scowls. "You think you're smooth, Winchester," she says, "when in reality, you're just plain annoying."

Dean Winchester. Marina's newest therapist. Oh, the joy.

"You're just going to do what all my other therapists have done," the girl says, removing her sunglasses and placing them on her lap. "You're going to guilt trip me. Going to make me give you some sob story about how I had such a crap childhood because I'm crippled. Well, here's a news flash, Winchester. I'm not buying into it."

"See, that's what you believe," Dean says, tapping against her cane with the side of his shoe. "It's your first day. You don't have a clue as to what I'm like with my patients." Marina scoffs once again. "I'm not stupid," she says.

"So far, all of you have been the same. Try to butter me up. Get me to spill."

She takes a breath then looks in Dean's direction. "Well, I'm different," the man says. She hears the clink of a water bottle being sat on the desk. Listens as someone walks past the room. "Marina?"

"Continue, Winchester," she says, focusing back on him. "I don't have all day." Dean chuckles and jumps down from the desk. Marina hears the squeaking noise his chair produces as he takes his seat before her.

"Why don't we do something else, for once, shall we?" Marina rolls her eyes. "What's your story, Princess?" Even though she couldn't see it, she knew Dean Winchester was smirking once again. "What part of it don't you already know?" she asks, folding her arms across her chest.

Dean chuckles. "I guess you're right," he says. "Here's the deal. I know your story. But you don't know mine." Marina scoffs. "Well look at you, genius," she says. "You're freaking Albert Einstein. Props to you, captain obvious."

"My name is Dean Winchester," he starts, completely ignoring the girl's sarcastic comeback. "I'm 32 years old (I just made up an age because I can) and I live in New York. I have a younger brother named Sam, and grew up in Lawrence, Texas. When I was four, our house caught fire."

Dean paused abruptly, and Marina heard him take a shaky breath. Any of her other therapists wouldn't do this. What was so different about Dean Winchester?

"It started in Sammy -- Sam's -- nursery. My mom ended up getting stuck. I went in there when I heard my dad yelling... only to see my mom..."

He trailed off. "Dean, if you don't want to talk about it-" "No, it's fine," he says, cutting her off. "I'll be alright, Princess. It's not like I haven't talked about it before." Marina was hesitant about the situation, but still nods, despite the fact that her therapist could have a break down at any moment.

"My dad was yelling at me to get Sam out. So, I did," he continues. "But when the cops and the firemen showed up, it was just the three of us. Me, Sammy, and my dad." Marina doesn't cry, she never does anymore, but she can feel the sadness radiating around the room.

"I'm sorry," she says softly, laying a hand on the desk. "Don't be," Dean says. "It was a long time ago." Silence fills the room, then she hears him chuckle. "I called him Sammy again, dammit," he laughs, grabbing his water bottle again.

Marina sighs.

"My name is Marina Kent."

She hears Dean choke on his water as if he hadn't expected her to speak. "No need to be so shocked, Winchester," she chuckles. He doesn't reply.

"I'm 27, I live in New York, born and raised. I had an older sister, but she moved when I was sixteen."

She takes a deep breath.

"I was in a car accident when I was 7. We were hit by another truck and ran off the road. The car flipped, and I ended up getting pinned between the floor and the roof of the car."

She feels Dean's hand on her wrist and looks toward his direction. "You don't have to talk about it, Marina," he says, telling her the same thing she had told him.

"Optical nerve damage," she says with a weak smile, ignoring his remark. "I had been out for a good two months. They told my mom, that if I somehow pulled through, I would be blind.

"My mom called me her little soldier. And I woke up..." She pauses, biting down on her bottom lip.

"And I woke up in total darkness."

Dean sighs, his hand leaving her wrist. Marina listens as a file is placed on the desk. She hears the pages flip open. "Well, the hour isn't up, but I didn't expect to accomplish as much as we did," Dean says, as Marina processes what happened.

"How did you do that?" she asks, dumbfounded that she had just opened up to Dean Winchester.

"Do what?"

He's writing. Marina hears as his pencil scrawls across a sheet of paper.

"How did you make me... spill everything? With all my other therapists, I would keep it all in. But, you, Winchester, you did something."

Dean stands, his chair squeaking. Marina feels him grab her hand. She feels as rough yet smooth wood is placed in her grasp. "In your file, it said you draw," Dean says, leading her other hand to lay on a sheet of paper that had been slid in front of her.

"Why don't you use the spare time?"

Marina shrugs, pulling away from the man and placing the pencil on the paper. "Only if you turn on some music," she says, pulling her hair back into what she assumes looks like a messy bun. Dean chuckles, walking toward his desk and pressing the button on the radio.

My mother was a tailor
She sewed my new blue jeans
My father was a gamblin' man
Down in New Orleans

"I love this song!" Marina says, turning toward the radio. Dean walks back to his chair, the thing squeaking once again. The two of them hum along until Marina speaks.

"I think it's cute that you call your brother Sammy," she says with a smile, the pencil in her hand still gliding across the paper. She hears Dean laugh. "I do too, Princess," he says. "Now keep on drawing."

Well, there is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy
And God I know I'm one

That was the first chapter of my Dean Winchester fan fiction. I hope you guys liked it. Vote, comment, all that jazz.

Song: House Of The Rising Sun - The Animals

See you then.

- Castiel

Painter // Dean Winchester AUWhere stories live. Discover now