You're growing on me, Winchester

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"Great job today, Matt," Dean says, opening the door and watching as the little boy runs from the room. "Thank you, Mr. Winchester!" he says, his mother standing and walking toward Dean.

"Anything happen?" the woman asks softly, watching as her son climbs into an empty chair and places his hands in his lap. Dean takes her arm and tugs her into his office. The look in his eyes immediately give the woman her answer. "Oh..." she breaths, tears pricking her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Carson," Dean starts, "but it seems like he's not improving much. His case is... very serve. He's opening up though."

He places a hand on her shoulder. The woman looks at him with tears on her cheeks. "Only a few more sessions and we'll get him better," Dean says, and the woman smiles. "Thank you, Mr. Winchester," Mrs. Carson says, smiling toward her son. "No need for the formalness, Mrs. Carson," Dean chuckles. "Dean is just fine."


Dean Winchester was a confusing man.

From my place at the end of the hall, I could hear him talking with a woman about her son. From the sound of there conversation the boy had a hard time opening up to Dean. Maybe some form of abuse or an accident, the thoughts inside my brain scream. I hear footsteps come around the corner and snap my notebook closed. "Hey, Princess," his snarky voice says. I roll my eyes. "Cut the bad boy act, Winchester," I snap, grabbing his arm and pulling myself to my feet.

I hear him chuckle and we move toward his office.

"Ho have you been doing since our last session?" he asks. "I still can't see, so I wouldn't say any better," I reply, throwing myself into the leather armchair. "Matt, your last session," I say. "What's wrong with him?" Dean's breath quickens, and he doesn't reply for a few minutes. "I can't discuss that with you," he says, no hint of playfulness in his voice.

"Was it an accident?"


"Dean, right now, I'm not your patient. My session doesn't start for another twenty minutes."

"... How'd you know that?"

"I'm blind but I'm not stupid."

He sighs, and I hear his desk chair squeak as he sits down. "Yes, it was an accident," he says. I nod. "Matty, he's a sweet kid," Dean continues, "reminds me of Sammy at that age. Anyways, a few months ago, Matt's parents got into a bad fight. His dad left and when he didn't come back..." He sighs again, and I hear the clink of his water bottle being placed down. "He got into a car accident and died a few days later. He was the only person Matt told anything to, so he's coming here to try and get him to open back up to people."

I smile.

"That's sweet, Winchester."

He chuckles. "Don't I know it, Princess."

And after an hour of sitting in his office, he does what he did the first day and gives me paper and a pencil. "Can you draw how you're feeling right now?"

I do, flipping the paper and making small dents in it before turning it back over. I sketch the sun, peeking over the ocean.

"What's it mean?" Dean asks as he helps me stand. "It means your growing on me, Winchester," I reply, stepping from the room with a small smile on my face.

Painter // Dean Winchester AUWhere stories live. Discover now