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there are STILL christmas shows on the TV! Really people come on i know we don't want christmas to end but the season is over :(

also for some reason i keep spelling christmas like this: Chrismas
i don't know why?? I had to go back over this chapter to correct my mistakes. come on human really??

anyway i have a tagg to do so i shall

this is for The_users_name
basicly in memeration of pancake we are going to thing of the best names for rabbits and you have to think of 5 names and then tagg other people to do it. so mine are

1) fluffy (CLASSIC)
2) buster
3) Elsa
4) bunny
5) poppy

so there are mine and i tag


if you do this can you tag me in the chapter so i can read them please!

thanks and have fun!

im sorry The_users_name i hope you are ok! but do this and it might cheer you up! love ya xx

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