Chapter 4- I Did What I Had To Do

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I didn't go to school today, anything to avoid Caiden. It was horrible for him to say something like that. He doesn't remember what he did but he will.

As I am looking up at my ceiling, someone knocks on my door

"Come in" I say and I see him. The one who made me cry. The one who ruined my life. As he walks into my room, I turn over and say "I take that back, get out and never come back" I spat and this guy has the nerve to walk inside

"You weren't in any of our classes today so I wanted to check on you" he says in a serious tone

"I'm fine. Now get out" I say and he doesn't budge

"Did I do something?" Boy the nerve on this guy!

"No Caiden. Golden boy did nothing wrong as always" I say sarcastically

"Is it about yesterday?" He asks and I get pissed

"Why can't you just get out and leave me alone!" I shout and he steps back

"Because I care" he says and I laugh

"Ha, you don't care. Not about me, not about girls, not about anyone" I say and there is a look in his eyes but that goes away and is replaced by his normal charm

"You don't know that" he says and I sigh

"Your right, I don't. But I don't want to either so get out!" I say while pushing him out of my door and locking it. I call Maddie who said that she was out studying with her friends, she's a bookworm if you can't tell


"Maddie, I'm so glad that you answered. I'm sorry to interrupt your study session but I need to talk to you"

"Okay, I'll be at the dorm right away" she says while hanging up the phone. About ten minutes later, Maddie comes through the door with a worried expression

"What's wrong?" She asks and I sigh

"It's Caiden. Remember what I told you he said yesterday?" I ask and she nods. "Well he came to 'check up on me' and he didn't even know what he did wrong. Ugh he's so stupid!" I complain and she frowns

"Do you think that he... Likes you?" She says but she paused on he and managed to choke out the sentence and I go into panic mode

"He can't like me! He-he did that to Wes and he's a monster and he uses people"

"Maybe he actually changed-"

"Don't go there Maddie or I will cut your hair shorter than it already is" I say and with all seriousness and then we both laugh

"So... I know you probably don't want to go because these aren't your types of things but you know how the dance is tonite?" She asks and I roll my eyes

"You mean the stereotypical dance where girls have to wear freakin short gowns and high heels? No thank you" I say and she chuckles

"You don't have to wear a hooker dress or heels, you can wear sneakers and a knee length dress" She says and I shake my head

"As much as I'd love to, I have to catch up on read-"

"No you don't. You read every hour of everyday, your going to go to this dance with me and we are going to have fun" she protests

"But what about-"

"Forget about Luke, he's not even going to the dance because he needs to catch up with his tutor for calculus" she says and I nod. I have always had a feeling that Luke was cheating on her but of course I am never gonna say anything because that would be wrong

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