Chapter 8

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"What brings you here, Celeste?" Sakima asked.

"I'm mainly looking for my brother Timothy and my friend Jake. We got separated while running form humans."

"You're in luck then. I'm pretty sure your brother is back in the camp. There's a guy we brought back that looks just like you. Not sure about Jake though," Taylor said.

"Jake said he was training to become an Enforcer his brother is one, if that helps."

"I know who you're speaking of. I am not sure of his whereabouts however."

Whatever relief I felt was dampened by the unsureness surrounding Jake. I followed them back to the core of their camp. Lili began speaking with the three of them and when I turned away I immediately spotted Timothy.

"Cel," he said standing up and walking over to me.

"Glad to see you're in one piece, brother."

There was a small fire going with other Unknowns sitting around it. We walked over and took a seat where Timothy had been. I watched as Sakima put his hand up and flames burst forth. At first I thought we were all goners, but I realized he was simply rekindling the fire. It was obvious as to why he was an Enforcer. It would be hard for him not to kill you.

Something hit the ground next to me and I jumped slightly.

"Here's your bag," Lili said.

"Thanks. Um, Lili, this is my brother Timothy. Timothy, this is Liliana."

"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise," she said.

"Do you want to sit with us? It feels like something important is about to start," I said.

"Sure." She sat down right next to me. I noticed that she'd put her gloves back on.

Just as Sakima, Taylor and Izzy all stood in front of the fire, Timothy elbowed me right in the rib cage. I glared at him, but he nodded his head off to the side. When I looked, I saw Jake approaching.

"Look who decided to show up," I said with a smirk as I walked over to him.

"You're one to talk. I didn't fail to notice that little stunt you pulled. You're the first one to call something insane, but going back was absolutely reckless," he said smiling back.

"I couldn't leave our stuff behind. It would have been too dangerous."

He nodded.

"We should really get someone to check that stuff out," he said.

I didn't respond. Those vials needed to be disposed of not checked out.

"C'mon. We're sitting over here," I said grabbing his arm and taking him back to Timothy and Lili.

I sat down between the two of them and Jake sat on the other side of my brother.

"More introductions. Jake, this is Liliana. Lili, this is Jake."

They exchanged brief greetings just as Sakima began speaking.

"Today we gained three new members to our camp. Celeste, Timothy and Jake. These three have a grand idea on how to fight back: attack the capital."

I immediately looked at Liliana. She gave a sly grin.

"In order to do this successfully we are going to have to split up. Some of us are going to attack. Some of us will have to sit this one out. Our three new friends say that the humans are becoming more aggressive and their technology is advancing. This means that some of our strong fighters will have to stay back as a protection," Taylor said.

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