Chapter 26

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"This is not the only reason you have come to visit us," Leona said. I saw Sebastian nod in agreement.

They both laid their eyes on me whereas the others looked around at all of us. I wondered what their powers were. Augustus's were pretty obvious. The other's not so much. Sebastian seemed something like a psychic, but I didn't think that was quite it.

"Well? What is it?" Philomene asked.

We were all silent. I'd never been so afraid before, but she truly frightened me. I felt goosebumps on my arms and the distinct urge to run was almost overwhelming.

"We will not hurt you," Leona said.

I didn't believe that. Then I caught Augustus's eyes. He gave me a small smile that appeared genuine. Out of all of the one's up there, he seemed like he was the only was that was trustworthy. He was open and agreeable, unlike the one who was doing most of the talking.

My eyes landed on Leona and she was looking at my pocket where I'd shoved the vial Timothy gave me. Sebastian was disinterested again, but his eyes flickered down also. They were the only ones soho seemed to know what I had. I looked back at Augustus and decided to make a move. The time for running away was over.

I pulled away from Jake and pulled the vial out of my pocket. Nervously, I walked up to them and handed it to Philomene. If anything bad happened, I'd rather it be her than Augustus.

"What is this?" Philomene asked.

I didn't say anything, instead I walked back to where the others were.

Lili and I made eye contact and her face was unreadable. I wished I could talk to her, but that wasn't possible at the moment. Even though Izzy was technical the one among us that was an Enforcer, I had a feeling Lili knew more than what she let on.

Speaking of Izzy, she definitely seemed apprehensive. Her green eyes paced back and forth between the Court members frantically. Guilherme was looking down at his feet, not really paying attention. Or at least it seemed like he wasn't paying attention - he didn't seem like that stupid. His disinterest was probably a way to seem less threatening.

Jake kept his eyes on me as I walked back over next to him. His eyes flickered over my head when I finally got back to my spot and I turned around to see Philomene opening the vial. We all held our breath.

She dipped her finger into the liquid and brought it to her lips.

"Mm," she said.

We all looked at each other in confusion.

"Augustus, I believe that you should have a look at this. The rest of you be careful not to touch the liquid or breath in its fumes," she said putting the top back on and passing it over to him.

She wasn't even fazed by it. It looked like she actually liked it.

Augustus repeated exactly what she did and eyebrows rose in surprise. His grey eyes met Philomene's dark, almost black ones. There a moment of unspoken communication between them.

"How did you get this?" She asked.

"It's kind of a long story, but the short version is that we picked up this backpack from this girl named Myra. She's the one who had it and she's the one who brought us here, but she disappeared on us," I said.

There was a tenseness in the room.

"This has the potential to kill every Unknown on the planet," Philomene said.

"We know that. That's why we're here," I replied.

"She is immune," Leona said.

We all looked at her in shock. How did she know that?

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