Chapter 3

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**Ariana's POV**

I woke up in the sound of my alarm clock. Again I should've turned it down, again! I got my lazy ass up and did my morning routine. Take a shower, dry off, put clothes on, fix hair, and check myself out at the mirror. They were right, I am a loser, a geek, and a nerd. Good thing I didn't have any homework for tonight.

I grabbed my bag, goofy glasses and went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Good morning Ms. Ari", James greeted. "Good morning to you too, James". "Didn't I tell you not to call me Miss?", I continued to tell him. "I'm very sorry, Ariana", he replied. He bent down a little when he said my name. "That sounded better don't you think?", I asked him, and he smiled and I smiled back.

"Yes Ariana".

"Ari?", he asked.

"Yes?", I asked him. 

"I noticed that you didn't come downstairs to eat last night, why?", he asked me with worried eyes.

"James, can I tell you a secret?", I asked. He nodded. I told himeverything about being bullied from kindergarten to high school and for me locking myself in my room. James looked at me shocked. "I'm very sorry about that Ariana", he finally said. "Please James don't tell my parents", I asked him with worried eyes. "I swear to my grave Ariana, I won't", he replied raising his hand a little lower to his chest. 

A knock came from the front door. James opened it for me and it was my mom's driver for her limo. "Ms. Ariana, your mother told me that I will be dropping you off to school", Carlos said. "Oh ok thank you". Carlos extended his hand for me to come inside my mom's limo, being James behind me closing the door.

***********Ari arrived at her school************

I started hiding myself from all the other students. I went inside the elevator and pressed the 3rd button to lift me up to the 3rd floor. Once I got to my locker, I opened my locker door revealing a small note that came down. It saids;

Ariana, it's Liam and Niall. We just wanted to tell you that Niall and I were very sorry that we were bullying you at kindergarten. We felt horrible for doing that, we wish that deep down inside your heart that you would forgive us? Meet us after school at gym. xxLiam and Niallxx.

That was very sweet. Maybe that's why they said sorry when Harry, Louis, and Zayn finished beating me up yesterday. 

****School's Over****

Yay school's over. Now all I need to do is call James and to tell Carlos to pick me up by 5. After I was finish calling James, all I need to do is to meet up with Liam and Niall at gym. I wonder what would they want to talk to me about. I started walking towards gym, I found Liam and Niall playing basketball with each other. "Ahem?", I said towards them. They stopped playing and they looked at me for a while.

They started walking towards me and I started to close my eyes. What if they just wanted to beat me up? What if they just betrayed me? I thought of it wrong, they just started hugging me? "What's gotten into you guys?", I asked with a confused look on my face. "We need to tell you something", Niall said.

"What is it?", I asked. Niall started to scratch the back of his head. Liam started the conversation. "Ariana, we're very sorry that we were bullying you from all of those years", Liam said while Niall was nodding to what Liam said. "Will you forgive us?", Niall asked. "Of course I will", I replied.

Liam and Niall started to jump with joy. After that we started to say our goodbye's and left. Carlos and James were waiting for outside. "You're late Ari", James said while opening the car door for me. "Sorry, so what's for dinner?', I asked James with joy. "Wait and see my little Ari", he repled smiling at me. I childishly groaned in front at him while I pouted my lips. Carlos droved off to get us home. 

We were already home, James opened the door for me to the front door. I ran up to my bedroom jumping on my bed. My phone started to vibrate. I checked my and it was an email from my school saying there's no school for the whole week now, and our vacation will start early next week. Yay! no school tomorrow and tomorrow after that, well you know what I mean.

Someone was knocking at my door. "Ari, dinner is ready!", James said from behind my door. "Okay, thanks James", I replied. I got my lazy arse up and went into my closet to get my onesie PJ. It was a flowery onesie without a hoddie though. It was pink and it had my name on it. I put my red hair in a ponytail, also covering some of my bruises on my stomach with makeup that matches my skin tone.

When I was done dressing up into my pajamas, I went downstairs in the kitchen to eat. I was starving to death, maybe James can hear my stomach growling from my room. "Thanks for the food James", i said smiling and he nodded. My plate was filled with chowmein, and some, pancakes? "James, why is there pancakes on my plate?", I asked him with a confused look on my face. "I just thought that you might like it", he finally said. I smirked.

When I was done eating my food I ran upstairs to my room. I unlocked my phone and pressed on the 'Clock' app and turned off all of my alarms. My mom called and I answered it.

"Hi mom"

"Hi sweetie, what are you doing?"

"I was about to go to sleep"

"Opps, sorry dear"


"Yes hun?"

"Is it okay if I can use your mall to go shopping?"

"Yes of course sweetie. What are you going to shop for?"

"New clothes, I'm just going to give away some of my old ones. Is that okay?"

"Of course sweetie, i'll tell the Manager to get your bugdet for free clothes for you to shop"

"Okay thanks mom"

"Your welcome, love. Now go get some rest, good night sweetheart I love you"

"I love you too mom bye". she hunged up first so pretty much I'm going to have a lot of fun shopping tomorrow. After about 5 mins I fell into a deep sleep.


Hope you liked this chappie! and yay I finally updated!! OK

so please 



FAN ME AND THE BOOK!!!! thanks again



thanks again


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