Chapter 2

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Addie's POV

I opened my eyes to find myself standing in a garden. In the middle of the garden was a big fountain with pure blue water, clean, pure blue water. There were all kinds of different pretty flowers scattered across the ground. I saw a figure emerge from out of nowhere. He was tall, and handsome with blue eyes like mine, and the same light brown hair as me. "Dad!" I called running towards him. He picked me up in his big arms spinning me around. "Hey kiddo." He replied with a big grin stretched across his face.
"Dad! I missed you." I said as he set me back down on the ground. He smiled as a ding went off and in came my mom. "Mom! You're alright!" I ran over to her. "Baby, you can't stay here. You still have so much more left to do. There is a very nice man down there waiting for you. We love you very much, but it isn't your time." She said. "Oh, I understand. I love you too." I replied. I turned to face my dad. "I can't wait to see you again." I said hugging him. "Mom, will you message me. Let me know where you are." I told her. "Always," was her response.

And then it ended. I woke up and the world was going past me. I was laying on a stretcher being rushed through the hallway of a crowded hospital. I sat up in the moving stretcher looking at my surroundings. I laid on the stretcher my face pail as ever. I was moved into a big room with a table on it. There were people using tools on me. That was all I remembered.

I woke up to blackness. I couldn't see and my eyes wouldn't open. I heard the sound of a door open as someone walked to the bed I laid on. I felt a cool hand touch my arm. "Listen Addie. My name is Dr. Carlisle Cullen. I need you to wake up. There are people out there fighting for you. There is one in particular fighting even harder, maybe even harder than you at the moment. He loves you very much. That man is my son. Jasper Hale. I need you to do something very important. We can handle the rest but you need to keep your heart beating for us. Okay, once you do that you need to wake up. Please, do it for your mom, for Jasper." He whispered loud enough for me to hear. I heard the door close and that's when I knew what I needed to do.

I focused really hard. It made my head hurt but I did it anyways. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly as I gave it all my might.

Jasper's POV

"Adeline! Stay with me, please. You can't leave me. Help is on the way. PLEASE!" I screamed as she drifted off in my arms. If I could cry right now, I would. I started dry sobbing.
Soon, the ambulance came and took her. Carlisle came and got me as he took me back to the hospital. I sat in the waiting room for 9 hours until she got out of surgery. I stayed in her room for over 18 days waiting for her to wake up. I fake slept for what seemed like ages. Finally, Carlisle told me to go home.

I returned home and went straight to my room. I laid down on the bed no one daring to disturb me until the next day. Monday. I had to face school. I hadn't gone in two weeks from the excuse of being on a trip to Greenland for a study group.
School was extremely hard. Jumping at every sound even a pin dropping. Questions about Greenland and questions from my family. I tried to tune it out but I couldn't do it. The blood wasn't as bad now that I had been in a hospital for three weeks. Finally I got a call from Carlisle saying she woke up. I made the excuse of being to tired from time change that I was excused from school. I ran out to the car at normal speed and drove off to the hospital.

I ran through the halls getting nasty looks and mean comments as I shoved people out of the way. I made it to room 302 and flew the door open to see Addie sitting up in the bed, face red, and tears spilling out of eyes rapidly. I rushed to her side for comforting. "Adeline, what's the matter dear?" I asked worried. "Jasper!" She cried out. "What are you-" she said choking on her tears. "I've been so worried!" I exclaimed. "Why you just met me yesterday?" She asked confused. "You don't-" I was cut off by my dad as he walked in the room. "Son, she needs to be treated again. I think it's best if you let her be for now." He commented. "Yeah, okay." I said putting my head down and walking out of the room.

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