Chapter Three - The Prick Has The Keys To My House

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"You're lying." Brett shot back, his eyes once again not leaving the screen of his Black Berry. If I could I would have broken his phone long ago. But that would mean a mad Brett and a mad Brett is not a good Brett, "You have to be lying."

I rolled my eyes at my twin brother, Brett, "For the fourth time, I'm not lying. I got chosen."

Brett finally put his phone in his pocket with a smirk forming on his lips, "Who's your Dare Boy? That's what you girls call us right?"

"I bet you would like to know," I teased, "I can't tell you because I don't want you getting stuck in the cross fire, Brett.,"

"Fine." Brett shrugged, "Since you won't tell me who you got. Who else got their names pulled or whatever?"

"Cissy Adams and Emilee Pa-a-r- however you say her last name."

"Cissy? My Cissy?"

I frowned at my brother as he mentioned his relationship. It was nothing of the sort if you asked me. They were too young to be dating and I hated Cissy. She was one of my many enemies and I wasn't afraid to say so.

"Yeah. I heard you guys got back together." I said giving Brett a pointed look, "I can't believe you even bother with that girl."

Brett rolled his eyes, "We can talk about this later at home, okay?"

Just in the distance you could see our house coming to view. It wasn't anything special, the house wasn't anything grand like the houses around it. Our house had more character than the other ones. While the houses around ours had admirable columns that looked as if they were made in Ancient Greece, ours had none of that. But our house did have large bay windows in every room which the other houses don't have. While the other houses in our Neighborhood were painted light blues or grays and even a rare yellow, our house was light purple with white wash everything.

I grabbed the key from my back pocket opening the door quickly. I wanted to get this information out of Brett before he forgot. If Brett forgot that means, no more information for me.


We slipped off our back packs not bothering to move them away from the door. Without mom at home, it's open ground for anything. Telling by the mattress on the staircase some one had already figured out that there were no rules.

"In here, you guys!" My older sister, Brandi called from the kitchen.

Saying that Brandi was pretty was a understatmeant. She puts Miss. USA to shame, she always has guys drooling after her where we go. It's just a shame that's she quite trashy. I mean, I love her and all but the girl screams White Trash.

Brandi stood in the kitchen in shorts and her bikini top, not that that was a surprise for her. She seemed to be cooking something for dinner, "What's up with my little munchkins?"

"Ah," Brett shrugged as we sat at the counter, "Cissy and I got back together."

I inhaled in shock, "You tell her without a problem but I have to find out from Gio? Come on, Brett. Come fucking on."

Brandi laughed at the both us while putting something in her pot of mystery. She danced to the music playing in the back ground before turning to me, "How are you and Gio anyway? Are you guys finally dating, or what?"

My eyes widened in horror, "Are you kidding?" I had to pause to keep from throwing up, "The guy is a jerk, he's pompous, idiotic, stupid. I could go on, and on."

"Yeah and she's a bitch."

I turned my head to find the one and only Gio Russo leaning against the kitchen door frame. It wasn't odd to find Gio our house since he was Brett's best friend. But on the other hand I didn't think Brett had to give him a key to our house.

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