Matchmaking Part 1

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After being eliminated on Week Two, I've been dancing with the troupe and doing bumpers. It's fun, but being in the competition is better. One thing though, is that I have a lot of time on my hands, so I wander into the remaining couple's rehearsals for no particular reason, and watch their dance and give commentary. It's pretty entertaining. Sometimes I decide to just hide and listen to them, find out some gossip. Don't judge! I LOVE gossip, like any girl. The other day I decided to sneak into Houghkin's rehearsal. I wanted to give them tips, Nastia is amazing, and with professional tips, she could win this thing! And plus, they would make an adorable couple, so I ship them. Anyways, when I walked inside, Derek wasn't there. Nastia was talking on the phone with Lizzy so I ran out. Luckily I was wearing flats because heels make a lot of noise and they're hard to run in. But then I heard snippets of their conversation, and my eyebrows shot up. "But- NO LIZ NO ITS NOT LIKE THAT! Ugh, you're delusional, Derek is just a friend, he doesn't think about me like-" She paused, presumably to listen to Lizzy, and my eyes widened. Is she- could she be? I eagerly leaned toward the crack in the door, seeing only a sliver of the room, and pulled it open a little more to peek inside, hoping she doesn't see me. Nastia's face suddenly went pink and red, and she simply said, "I quit." Before hanging up. Suddenly, I saw Derek walking toward the studio, not yet seeing me. I backed up quickly and walked forward, making it seem like I had just arrived. "Oh, hey Emma." He greeted. "Oh hey Derek" I gave him a fake smile and nervously walked away. Does Nastia like Derek? Was all I could think about. My ship could become real! I thought dreamily. I don't think they'll tell each other their feelings, Derek being stubborn and Nastia being in denial, so I guess it's up to me. I smirked to myself with a plan in mind, just waiting to be set in motion.
"Who thinks this plan is stupid?" Brittany asked. Jenna, Lindsey, Witney, and Hayley all raised their hands simultaneously. I had gathered my friends together to brainstorm ideas for what exactly the plan should consist of. Of course, we couldn't think of any good ideas. "Do you have any better ideas?" I said in retort. "Well, not really, but kidnapping them and locking them in the smallest closet in the studios so they can 'resolve their sexual tension' is not how we should do this." Jenna replied. "I mean, it worked for Jenna and Val, but I would be willing to bet money that Nastia and Derek would just sit awkwardly in the closet until someone lets them out." Witney added. "Can't we just let them admit it?" Lindsay asked desperately. "They're both too stubborn, they'll deny their feelings until the end of time!" I said. "Well, what should we do?" Witney asked. I had started looking up 'how to get a couple together' when Brittany screamed "CAMPING! And we can pick a cold day and pack one less tent, and I can invite other people too so it won't seem weird. And maybe we could invite that Lizzy girl too. She seemed like she wanted them together." She explained. "It's the only ideas we have, let's do it" I said, and we picked a weekend and left. I smiled to myself. If all goes well, Derek and Nastia will change their status to in a relationship, and my mission will be complete.

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