Matchmaking Part 2

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Nastia's POV
Emma invited me camping with some of the people from DWTS  yesterday. I'm really excited, especially because Derek is going to be there. Also, Sasha and Emma are going to be there. They broke up but I see how they look at each other. There's love in their eyes, but they're both too proud to admit they made a mistake in breaking up. I think it's time for some matchmaking...

Emma's POV
I pack the remainder of the camping supplies with Witney and Jenna, while Britt is recounting the tents, making sure we have one less than we need. I will not leave this trip until Houghkin has officially become a couple. They love each other, and I know it. It's time for some matchmaking...

2 hours later

"ARE WE THERE YET?!!?" Mark screams. "NO, NOW SHUT UP!" Witney yells back, slapping his arm. Sasha, one of the lucky two who gets more leg room and control of the radio, just silently turns up the dial, blasting a staticky version of Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift. I'm sitting in the passenger seat, Sasha is driving, and Mark, Derek, Witney, and Nastia are crammed in the back. Britt, Hayley, Lindsay and Jenna decided to take their own car instead of piling into Nastia's, smart girls. This is actually pretty good for my plan, and of course Witney and Mark probably don't mind the cramped quarters. Once, when Witney was driving, she purposely made a hard right turn, making Nastia fall right into Derek's lap. Sasha keeps looking for radio stations with good connections, until Nastia just tosses her phone to me and says, "Just put it on shuffle. Anything's better than static." I see Derek stare at Nastia while she isn't looking. "Cute nails Nas" He smiles in a flirty tone. I see Nastia blush but she tries to hide it. Then she turns her head towards me and Sasha with a smirk. I wonder what she's up to?

30 minutes later
I found myself cramped in the backseat. Again. It was my turn to drive, but all of a sudden Nastia starts whining that she had called shotgun before and nobody heard her, and Derek said that he wanted to drive. It would sound too suspicious if we said no, after all, they hadn't been up front yet. Also, maybe them bonding up front wouldn't be bad for the plan. Me and Sasha ended up next to each other, and when Nastia made a tight turn we ended up in the same position Nastia and Derek were in not much ago. Was she trying to get us together again...? I mean, that necessarily isn't a bad thing, but....ugh, I really need to stop thinking like that.

Nastia's POV
I smiled smugly as Emma went tumbling into Sasha's lap, and continued driving. Mark has fallen asleep in the back, and Witney's running her hand through his hair. "Are we getting there soon, cause my bladder is going to explode in about five minutes." Sasha states. I roll my eyes, and say "We'll be there in 20 minutes." "I really hate this song, why do you own it?" Emma complains. I silently switch the song to something else, and Emma gives me a cheesy thumbs up. I absentmindedly reach for my phone, which is in one of the cup holders, and my hand brushes Derek's, which is resting on the cup holder. A spark travels through my hand, and I quickly snatch my phone and start typing directions. "Hey, uh, Jenna's waving at us and pointing to go....left I think. NASTIA TURN LEFT!" Witney yells. "Thanks for the warning!" I reply sarcastically after making the tires squeal because of the turn. "We're here, finally!" Sasha exclaims, and we all get out of the car, stretching our legs. Everybody walks out and I quickly text Lizzy that we've arrived. Our messages look something like this:
Nastia: Finally here after that car ride. Was squished in the back almost the entire time.😝
Lizzy: Glad u made it. Hope you and Derek have fun.😉
Nastia: Shut. Up.
Derek is asleep so he's also inside the car still. When I finish texting I rest my head on the door to look out the window. Nobody is there and I'm guessing they walked down to the lake. I try to open the door to follow them but I can't. I don't even have the keys, I think Emma had them! Something weird is going on, I'm sure of it.

Emma's POV
I smirked to myself for my amazing plan. I just locked Nastia and Derek in the car. They're going to stay there for about an hour. "Emma, we said you wouldn't lock them in a place!" Brittany yells at me. "Well, it's bigger than a closet!" I yell back. "What if they need to pee?" She shoots back. "Well, there's a ton of empty water bottles in there. And of course, some undressing isn't bad for the plan anyways..." I smirk, and Britt rolls her eyes. "Fine, but if they ask, I had nothing to do with this!"

Nastia's POV
"Derek, do you have the car keys?" I ask him after shaking him awake. "No, why?" He says back. "We just got locked in the car, maybe on purpose, and I want to get out." That wakes him up fully. He reaches for the nearest handle, and I sigh. "Tried them." "Who did this!?" He asks me, clearly annoyed."Emma." I respond. We sit in silence for a couple of seconds, but then I say, "Oh, I'll call her!" I pull out my phone and dial her number. She picks up on the third ring, and I hear faint laughter in the background. "Nastia called me?" I think it's Emma. "What did you do?" That's definitely Jenna. "I hung up" The first voice replies.
"Emma, you can't keep them in there for more than one hour. I know you want to them to get together but it's a bad idea..." The girl who sounds like Brittany warns Emma. "Yeah, the plan was for them to go camping and get them share a tent, not to lock them in a car!" I think Witney says. Wait.....WHAT?! I quickly hang up. "DEREK!" I yell as he jumps up in fear. "What?" He wonders, still shaking. "You won't believe what I just heard!" I'm still shocked. "Emma is trying to set us up!" I say. "Actually...I want her to to finish her plan." I think. "What?" Derek asks, confusion clear in his face. "Did I say that out loud?" I feel my face starting to turn red. He slowly nods. I bury my head in my arms and groan. "But you know what? I would actually like her to finish her plan too..." He says softly. I look up, and he tentatively brings his lips to mine. The kiss is slow at first, but then becomes faster and more passionate. I eventually break the kiss for a breath of air, and we sit there for a couple of seconds, our foreheads resting against each other's. "I've wanted to do that for a while." Derek admits. "You know, I might have a plan" I whisper. "More of this?" He asks, smirking. "Later." I promise, smiling at his expression. "Seriously though, how about we pretend to be mad at each other but we set up Emma and Sasha together?" I say excited. "That's actually a pretty good idea! I mean, I like mine better, but still!" Derek quickly warms up to the idea. "They wanted us to share a tent, I think they brought one less than needed. But my plan is to get Emma and Sasha together in that tent while we pretend to be mad at each other" I smile deviously and he pecks me on the lips. "Sounds amazing" he praises, then kisses me again. Operation Esha begins now.....

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