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Fushimi looked at Misaki through his tears. He couldn't believe what was happening.
- M-misaki!! No please open your eyes... H-hey... don't do this to me!
Fushimi took red-haired boy's lifeless body in his arms hugging it tightly but carefully as if it was from porcelain.

Suddenly, his eyes widened as he remebered that there's still a chance for Misaki. He quickly but gently picked him up and ran to the hospital. Fortunately it was very close and as soon as he stepped through the front door he fell on his knees desperately shouting for help.
The nurses came without even questioning what happened and took Misaki to the operation room.
- We're really sorry sir but you're not allowed to go in there. Please wait here, we'll tell you everything as soon as possible.
The nurse was very nice to Fushimi and tried to comfort him but the thought of loosing the most important person in his life made Fushimi feel guilty.

Minutes passed and every next second felt like the eternity. Even though Saru was in a room with other people who anxiously waited for the results he felt alone.
Finally the same nurse from before came out of the room carrying papers in her hand and approached to Saru.
- Sir...
This was the most stressful moment in his life.
- Misaki's wounds were very deep, also if he took one more pill, he would not make it.. but fortunately, we managed to save him and now he's sleeping in his room. However, he'll wake up in a few minutes so you can go to him now.
Fushimi's eyes started watering from happiness. He never felt so happy in his life, knowing Misaki is okay, he quickly thanked the nurse and ran to the room where Misaki was supposed to be.

There, he saw a boy lying on the hospital bed with bandages on his arms. Saru approached to Misaki's bed weakly and sat on the chair. After that he took boy's hand with his own shaking hands and buried his face in the sheets while sobbing.
- Misaki I.... I'm sorry.. it's all my fault. If I didn't leave you.. nothing like that would happen.
Fushimi talked through his never ending tears.
- Sa... Saru...
He suddenly heard his name said by a very weak voice. Saru lifted his head and looked at Misaki with a small smile
- You're finally awake Yata-san..
The red-haired boy was shocked but was too weak to show it.
- Why.... Why did you do that...
By asking this question Misaki meant many things. And the answer that he got, answered all of them.

- Because I love you.
This sentence made Misaki's heart beat again and he didn't feel emptiness anymore.

- Do you always have to say awkward things like that?!
- Well I thought you finally grew up, let me do something more awkward.
Fushimi smirked and bent down kissing Misaki softly.
At the same time the nurse came in to check how's Misaki feeling.

- Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to disrupt you!
She said a bit suprised but happy at the same time.
Misaki quickly jumped back and started explaining him self nervously.
- I-it's not like that miss..!
- Oh don't worry. I really don't mind that! I came to see how you feeling but I guess you're okay now so I won't take you any more time.
The nurse winked an left the room.
- I told you that was a bad idea!!!
Misaki yelled while death glareing Fushimi.
- Hahaha! If you only knew how much I love when you shout at me like that ♡
- ....I hate you... - The boy said while turning his head away and blushing deeply
- Yeah, Yeah, I know I love you too...

The End

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