Chapter 27: Lets make a deal

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I woke myself up and it was 2 in the morning. Ugh, I laid back down, but suddenly remembered that I need to talk to Tyler!

'Stephan. Head over to the clearing now. I'm getting ready.' I mind-linked him.

'Fine..' He groaned. I rolled my eyes and pried myself out of Axel's grip.

"Skylar. Where are you going?" Axel asked me sleepily.

"Um I have to use the bathroom." He nodded. And turned back around. "Love you."

"Love you too babe." And with that he took my pillow and hugged it. I laughed and grabbed my phone while walking to the barroom.

Once I was in the bathroom, I put my phone in my pocket, and opened the bathroom window quietly. Once it was opened, I quickly made my way out and dropped to the ground. I made a run for it without any guards seeing me. Sweet! I made my way to the clearing and saw Stephan sitting there under the moonlight.



I wake up to Skylar removing my arm that was securely wrapped out her waist. I wonder what she is doing, then I hear Stephan min-linking me. 'Alpha. She told me to meet her there. So she is leaving now.'

'Okay. Thankyou, and make sure you stay with her. I'll let the guards know.' I blocked him out after that. "Skylar. Where are you going?" I asked trying to wake up.

"Um I'm going to the barroom." I'm not convinced. "Love you." She said.

"Love you too babe." I grabbed her pillow and pulled it close to my chest. I heard her laugh which causes me to smile, but it dropped when I saw her grab her phone. Not so sneaky Skylar. I smirked to myself.

She left and went into the bathroom. I quietly got out of bed and made my way to the door. I heard the window open, and I also heard her land on the ground.

'Guards. Skylar is going to call Tyler to make a deal. Stephan is with her right now, but she only thinks that Stephan knows about her plan, and I plan on keeping it that way. Let her pass you guys to head to the clearing, but follow her. Not so close that she can detect you, but close enough to know whats going on. Do NOT get caught. Do you understand me?'

I heard a lot of 'yes alpha.' I smiled and laid back down. Don't worry Skylar, you'll be in my arms soon enough and Tyler won't be breathing.









"Hey Stephan." I said to him.

He yawned and stretched. "Can we just get this call done and over with so I can go back to bed!"

"Ya, ya. I'm getting to it." He laughed and nodded. "Okay. I'm putting this on speaker so you can hear. But so NOT make a sound. He thinks I'm gonna be alone, so don't screw this up." He stuck his tongue out at my last comment. I laughed and dialed his number.





"Hello?" A man's voice filled the air.

"Yes, is this Cody?"

"No. He along with Jake have been kidnapped. Do you know where they are?!" He sounded desperate. Wow...

"Actually I do. But, I need you to put alpha Tyler on the phone."

"Tell me where they are, then you can talk to him."

"Listen. I have very little patience right now, so give him the phone now. Or I can order to have these two killed."

"You wouldn't."

"I would. And just to let you know, I'm the Luna of the pack that has them in our lock."

"You little bitch. Give them back to us at once!"

"Listen here bub. You do NOT order me around. Got it?!"

I heard a gulp and I laughed. So did Stephan. "Sorry Luna."

"Good now out alpha Tyler on the phone. Now!" I let my authority in my voice come forward to show this mutt that he should not mess with me.

"Y-yes Luna." Haha! Gotta love it when women are superior and men are submitting to US. I could get use to this.

"This is alpha Tyler speaking. Who is this?"

"Oh wow. It's been so long. I bet you miss Cody and your third." I said with a smirk.

"Who is thi- Skylar?!"

"The one and only." I laughed.

"You! You guys kidnap Cody and Jake. Give them back to me now!"

"Not so fast. Lets make a deal first shall we?"

"What do you want?" He spat at me.

"You leave me and my pack alone AND you sign a treaty with us. In return, you get Cody and Jake back."

"But your my mate! That's not your pack. My pack, our pack. I am your mate!"

"Listen Tyler. You sign the treaty with us, and we call over our allies to make sure you sign it. And if you don't sign it, and try to capture me again, then my allies with destroy you. But I don't want to have a war going on, I just want a nice, clean, violent free tradeoff. Then you get Cody and Jake back." I paused. "Do we have a deal?"

I heard a very low, viscous growl on the other line. "Listen here, and listen quick. You are my mate, I will not be disrespected by you. I am an alpha, which means-" before he could talk anymore I cut him off.

"That I don't have to follow your orders Tyler. I'm a Luna, which means that I can fight back because we are equal."

"No! That's not fair, it's impossible. I always get want I want, and I want you!"

"Tyler. Just give it up already, I have the upper hand here and you know it. Just forget about this whole thing and sign the treaty, or go to war will ALL of mine and Axel's allies. Your choice."

"I will not let you win. You are coming with me either one way, or another!" He yells before hanging up on me.

I sigh and sit on the ground. "Stephan the only way is to hand myself over. If he doesn't agree, people will get hurt."

"Skylar, don't beat yourself up. You heard him, he wants Cody and Jake back and if wants them alive, he has to sign the treaty." I nod and stand back up. "Come on Sky. Lets head back." I nod again and we head out.

What's going to happen? He won't stop for anything...


Sorry it took so long. I haven't been feeling well, and I have practices for my pageant tomorrow. I'm really nervous for that. Oh my gosh... Help lol.

And thankyou all for reading. We have over 10,000 reads :) and over 250 votes! Keep up the good work everyone :) byes! Love you all!!


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