Chapter 29: Okay, deal

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Depressing moment time... So my friend and I went to the festival here, and this really really cute carnie was operating a ride. And on the last day of the festival, my friend told him that I liked him and he goes aww and had a huge smile. Then she decided to make me go on that ride after she told him. So we are on the ride, and the entire time he was looking at me and smiling. And me being me, I put my head in my hands and my face was BRIGHT red. He just laughed and shook his head. And at the end of the ride, I sat closest to do the door (of course. Just my luck....) he came and unlocked and was like. You don't have to be bashful ya know. And smiled at me. Then my face got bright red again and I took my friends hand and was like let's go now... And that was the last day if the festival, so I will NEVER see him again....unless he comes next year...but still....I will like never be able to see him again... :.(

Okay on with the story :)



Well right now, we are playing halo 4, and it's Elyse and I with some computer players against Mark, Axel, Caleb, Stephan, and the twins. "You're cheating! There is NOO way you girls are winning." Ryan starts complaining.

"Ya. I have to agree with him." Mark says frantically pressing buttons.

"You know...just because we are girls, doesn't mean we can't beat you guys." I said. "Ha!" I just shot Turner. *evil laugh*

"Boo ya!" Elyse yells giving me a high five.

"Cheaters!" Axel and Stephan yelled.

"Are not!" Elyse and I yelled back at them.

"Uh huh!"

"Nu uh!"

"Uh huh!"

"Nu uh!" This went on for about 5 minutes. Until I blew Axel's head off. "In your face! Girls rule!" Elyse and I busted out into laughter.

"How are they this good?" Mark asked Caleb.

"How do I know." He said back to Mark. "Have you guys ever played this game?"

"Nope." Elyse and I said in unison. "I'm just pushing random buttons, and it seems to be working. So I'm just gonna keep on doing it." I said smiling.

"Same." Elyse agreed. A couple minutes went by and I turned to Elyse. I gave her my "I-have-a-plan look." She nodded and giggled.

"Hey guys?" I asked scared.

"What?" They said still trying to beat us. We need 2 more kills, then we officially win.

"Um, did you guys hear that?"

"Hear what?" Axel asked.

"Ya I heard it too. It sounded like the door opened." Elyse said worried.

"It smells weird too." I added.

The guys stopped playing and sniff the air. "I don't smell anything." Caleb said.

"Are you sure. I do." I said scared looking around. The guys put their controllers down and looked around. I gave Elyse a look and we moved our players so I was in front of Axel's player and Elyse was in front of Ryan's player. We both nodded and got our guns ready.

"Are you guys sure? Because I don't-wait a minute. Why are you girls smiling?" Stephan asked us scared.

"Guys...they're smiling. That means...uh oh." Turner said pointing to the screen. Elyse and I laughed and push the X button. Axel and Ryan got blown up and the girls win!

"We won!" Elyse said jumping up from the couch.

"I know!" I yelled and I gave her a hug. I turned around and looked at the guys. "Okay. Now, we are cheaters." I said laughing.

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